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Generic UPdates 16

Generic UPdates 16 v.3.0



This is the last version and there will be no next update, knowing how complicated it is to update and adjust the generic update with the original generic to get a pretty good fit, unlike specific which is easy to just convert and change a little. If there are still a few bugs please understand, I hope you enjoy it.

Special Thanks :
-tokke001(tools, fbx to rx3)
-pao4ever(some textures)

Last edited:
View attachment 163380

After some problems, FINALLY this mod Continues, an update for generic faces in fifa 16.

What's coming in this edition?
- black screen bug fix
- works in high graphics
- neck fix
- skin color update
- facial hair update

Here We Go!
The two textures of Skin 4, CLEAN and FRECKLED, have changed in CM16. So, I changed them. Please apply them as is.
The two textures of Skin 4, CLEAN and FRECKLED, have changed in CM16. So, I changed them. Please apply them as is.
what do you mean?
Seems like you're using the same hair_cm for all the hair textures. Why...?
because the hair_cm of each hair has a bug for some reason, therefore I use the same hair_cm, maybe there is a solution in the future for this problem, thank you for the statement, I hope you can enjoy it, sorry for the inconsistency


Starting XI
I don't seem to have any bugs with the ones I converted, though. can you tell me more about that bug?
View attachment 163380

After some problems, FINALLY this mod Continues, an update for generic faces in fifa 16.

What's coming in this edition?
- black screen bug fix
- works in high graphics
- neck fix
- skin color update
- facial hair update

Here We Go!
Work in fifa 14?
Just to be clear: This is an un-f***ing-believable addition. Thank you so much!!! Refreshing old hairstyles with their new version makes the game so much better. You're the man!
There is clearly an error in the neck
can u share the screenshot from edit player menu not in gameplay? because I will check it on my potato laptop, my gaming laptop was lost a few months ago, if I check it in gameplay the lag is very severe, I can only check it in the player edit menu