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FIFA23 212 NTs RTWC/Road to Euro/Copa America mod

@alimps Hello, hello, I would like to get the shields that you use in the mod since I really liked them and I would like to include them in the mod, where can I contact you so we can talk about this topic?
fantastic mod! the only strange thing I encountered was that the starting elevens are not shown at the beginning and the national anthems are not played. Is it normal? It's for the EURO only.


Club Supporter
fantastic mod! the only strange thing I encountered was that the starting elevens are not shown at the beginning and the national anthems are not played. Is it normal? It's for the EURO only.
Starting 11 should be shown and national anthems should be played. Dont know why is it not happening for you.
Reinstalled the game, reinstalled mod manager and the mod itself, used Live Editor, Reinstalled anticheat - still crashes;

Has anyone been able to play that mod on Windows 11?
EVERYBODY WITH A SIMILAR ERROR: It seems like the resolution causes the crashes - I'm running 2 monitors, one on 1920x1080 and the second one on 2560x1440. The game ALWAYS crashes while running on the second monitor, even mid-match. When I run it on the lower res monitor - it works like a charm. If you're using WQHD try scaling down to Full HD and running it again
Please each time I load the mod with the squad file, it keeps crashing at the team jersey selection. Kindly help, I've tried all I could on my own. I really want to be using this wonderful mod pls. Help!
Please each time I load the mod with the squad file, it keeps crashing at the team jersey selection. Kindly help, I've tried all I could on my own. I really want to be using this wonderful mod pls. Help!
Decrease the resolution, try in medium, make sure you are using the last version of squad file and mod manager as well. Good luck bro.
Last edited:
Decrease the resolution, try in medium, make sure you are using the last version of squad file and mod manager as well. God luck bro.
I so much appreciate the response and suggestions. Please I've tried all that but is still the same. I've done low, medium and high. Please I will be glad if there are other new squad file you can share the link apart from the one with the RTWC 7.0 version please. Thanks