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FIFA Infinity Patch 14 (HBZ Mod 19/20 Edition)

I really enjoyed your previous mod and played it a lot. Looking forward to this one. I have some suggestions if it's helpfull. I think Old players whose contracts are expiring may go to a reduction in salaries. Also some new transfers should accept lower salary than their previous salaries. I think it's more realistic in some cases.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
FIFA Infinity Patch 14 (FIP 14 - 19/20 Edition)

UPDATE - 23/07/2019
As you know I have been reaching out for various people to help with putting together a top quality mod for the 19/20 season.

I can now announce that HBZ Mod will now become FIFA Infinity Patch 14. This is really exciting news as the FIFA Infinity team are amongst the best modders around. Glad to be part of this team. For the moment I have removed the feature list and updates as we work together on the next iterations of FIP.


Club Supporter
FIFA Infinity Patch 14 (FIP 14 - 19/20 Edition)

UPDATE - 23/07/2019
As you know I have been reaching out for various people to help with putting together a top quality mod for the 19/20 season.

I can now announce that HBZ Mod will now become FIFA Infinity Patch 14. This is really exciting news as the FIFA Infinity team are amongst the best modders around. Glad to be part of this team. For the moment I have removed the feature list and updates as we work together on the next iterations of FIP.
so there wont be 4th subtitution and more than 7 players in bench
so there wont be 4th subtitution and more than 7 players in bench
I don't think this can be modified from the career mode files, it's in the game itself, so I doubt this can be accomplished.

What I'm asking is, please leave the soundtrack as it is, or at least give us an option to have the original FIFA 14 playlist. On the previous patch it was the FIFA 16 one(I think). I'd love if you can do this, for me, the FIFA 14 soundtrack is the best of all time.
FIFA Infinity Patch 14 (FIP 14 - 19/20 Edition)

UPDATE - 23/07/2019
As you know I have been reaching out for various people to help with putting together a top quality mod for the 19/20 season.

I can now announce that HBZ Mod will now become FIFA Infinity Patch 14. This is really exciting news as the FIFA Infinity team are amongst the best modders around. Glad to be part of this team. For the moment I have removed the feature list and updates as we work together on the next iterations of FIP.

Woooo good news, keep up the good work

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
so there wont be 4th subtitution and more than 7 players in bench
Yeah like @InstinctiveFL says it is hard coded. I've edited so many things trying to force the change but it won't work.
I don't think this can be modified from the career mode files, it's in the game itself, so I doubt this can be accomplished.

What I'm asking is, please leave the soundtrack as it is, or at least give us an option to have the original FIFA 14 playlist. On the previous patch it was the FIFA 16 one(I think). I'd love if you can do this, for me, the FIFA 14 soundtrack is the best of all time.
To remove the soundtrack delete this folder - FIFA 14/Game/audiodata/eatrax

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Hey, have you tried using Rinaldo's extended league ID patch? I don't know a lot about modding, but i thought you'd be interested in seeing it (if you haven't already).

Yes. The problem is that objectives are disabled and you can't switch it on or off during a saved career. This sounds like a fair compromise for additional leagues but when tested thoroughly it sometimes introduces random sackings with teams that had objectives. You could be winning the league, won a cup and still get sacked. So then you have to remove other features and it ruins the game. I do have another method that is far more stable that is being considered. So watch this space.
These values should give you what you are after.


TIER_1_POTENTIAL_RANGE_0 = 88 // Tier 1, Potential Range Low = 0
TIER_1_POTENTIAL_RANGE_1 = 95 // Tier 1, Potential Range High = 1
TIER_2_POTENTIAL_RANGE_0 = 87 // Tier 2, Potential Range Low = 0
TIER_2_POTENTIAL_RANGE_1 = 94 // Tier 2, Potential Range High = 1
TIER_3_POTENTIAL_RANGE_0 = 86 // Tier 3, Potential Range Low = 0
TIER_3_POTENTIAL_RANGE_1 = 93 // Tier 3, Potential Range High = 1
TIER_4_POTENTIAL_RANGE_0 = 85 // Tier 4, Potential Range Low = 0
TIER_4_POTENTIAL_RANGE_1 = 92 // Tier 4, Potential Range High = 1
Did you have another look at it? High overall players are only produced in May and during rest of the months there is no such talent of note.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Did you have another look at it? High overall players are only produced in May and during rest of the months there is no such talent of note.
Yeah, youth players always improve in May as that is usually the point a player needs to decide to promote or not. I'm not going to change that growth pattern. With the settings I gave you, you should still be getting amazing youth talent every single time. Surely that is enough? Why do you want them all to have high overall?
Yeah, youth players always improve in May as that is usually the point a player needs to decide to promote or not. I'm not going to change that growth pattern. With the settings I gave you, you should still be getting amazing youth talent every single time. Surely that is enough? Why do you want them all to have high overall?

hey bro could you pass me the configuration to get talented youth
Yeah, youth players always improve in May as that is usually the point a player needs to decide to promote or not. I'm not going to change that growth pattern. With the settings I gave you, you should still be getting amazing youth talent every single time. Surely that is enough? Why do you want them all to have high overall?
I don't think you quite understand. With these settings, I get players with overalls <60 the whole year except May in which players with 65-70 overalls appear.