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fifa 20

  1. N

    Can anyone help me with squad sep 27 2019? Having more icon mods is even better

    Can anyone help me with squad sep 27 2019? Having more icon mods is even better
  2. F

    Buying fifa 20 Keys...

    Really Need It i only Need this and the 22 but i want this First so im looking for a potential seller (i dont have PayPal)
  3. F

    FIFA 20 mod 23/24 poll

    I want to know how many people would like to see a update Fifa 20 to season 23/24
  4. O

    Wishes/requests for a FIFA 20 mod

    Hey guys! I have been modding FIFA 20 for about a year now, creating smaller mods like new teams, kits and leagues for personal use, just to spice up the game a little and add something new to the game. Recently I uploaded a mod that adds the second division of football in Sweden. If you want...
  5. O

    FIFA 20: SEF Mod (Superettan + Svenska Cupen) (v.1.1)

    Hey guys! For the ones that still play FIFA 20, I created a mod that adds the 2nd division of football in Sweden (Superettan). The modification currently works ONLY IN SWEDISH AND ENGLISH. The new league replaces the Saudi Professional League in the game. The teams added are from the 2019...
  6. C

    FIFA 19/20... Problem names in Cheat table

    Good afternoon, I've been updating my FIFA 20. I've made the necessary changes, everything correctly like FIFA 23. I did the same with FIFA 19, but it always happens. You get to a point when updating with the Cheat Table (Cheat Engine). The names stop working, I can't change the name of existing...
  7. Triskele Esports

    Triskele Mod - Italian Championships (Serie A, Serie B, Lega Pro, Serie D)

    Hello everybody. Work on the TRISKELE MOD proceeds. Lots of news in sight for the Italian championships. Serie A, Serie B, Lega Pro and Serie D. More than 100 italian teams. 1500 players. Anyone wishing to help the project can write to me privately :)
  8. D

    Goal Nets

    Hello peeps! I know this is late but as FIFA 21 isnt much different from 20. I will be sticking with FIFA 20. I have been looking into different goal nets and came across this style (which i personally prefer): The nets are very tight and as such, the bottom of the net is raised slightly. Add...
  9. kostasv1.psd

    Kostas' Theme Overhauls.

    So.....Hi! After following a lot of modders in this community, I decided to publish one of my works on fifa 20. Quick mention, I do graphic designing for a leaving. In my free time I mess around in frostyeditor, changing the menus background and redesign(if you want to call it) the ui-in terms...
  10. S

    Fifa 20 60fps cutscenes

    Hi everybody!! I have GTX 1050 TI 4GB how to unlock cutscenes to play in 60 FPS?
  11. E

    FIFA 20, 5+ players mod [OFFLINE]

    FIFA 20 only allows up to four people to play at one given time offline. The video below shows what happened after I connected four controllers to my FIFA 20. Once four of the five had selected sides, the fifth player could no longer be assigned with a side. This is extremely disappointing...
  12. A

    Tottenham Hotspur new stadium

    I request all the modders to please make the new Tottenham stadium for FIFA 15 If not, please tell me how to, so that I can make one and upload it
  13. decoruiz

    Women's Football Patch 20

    Hi there, guys. The Women's Football Patch 20 has been in a beta phase for a few months now and I've decided to post it here to anyone who is interested. Female football has been calling much more attention than before and it was time to bring them to FIFA 20. I've joined OlliX from the original...
  14. RenanMedeiros_29

    Facemods by RM29

    Hello everyone, :ewan: I'll start posting my works on this thread, hope you like it! Can find me in Twitter too: https://twitter.com/Renan_RM29 Here is my first facemod for FIFA 20. RODRIGO PINHO (CS MARÍTIMO-POR) DOWNLOAD LINK...
  15. Zotac2012

    4K-Splash Mods and More

    Here I make some of my 4K-Splash Mods available, what is important to me, that not every user signs up and writes now, can you please also make a 4K-Splash Mod for my Club XYZ. I will always make 4K-Splash Mods for certain clubs or generally for FIFA 20, important for me is that the splash mods...
  16. Shadow_boy32

    FIFA 20 Hairstyle IDs

    Hello everyone. In this video you have all the hair ID s from FIFA 20. This ids you can use to aply for generic players or to import to specific faces also. For more , you can have a look to the video!!!
  17. Shadow_boy32

    Big Classic Players Patch for FIFA 20

    Contains: Classic players and legends for top clubs: Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, Milan, Inter, Juventus, Bayern, Real Madrid, Barcelona; Classic National Teams with all time legens for: Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Italy; Retro/Classic...
  18. irvanlana50

    FIFA 20 Commentary Languages

    Arabic (SA) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bX2tQSVzabufz8SyzLBATQ4ZUUSFXckF Dutch (NL) https://drive.google.com/open?id=14RHZhruMoKj474Vk8pBwTwGK6hi7Oq-Q French (FR) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yOvmFbMEuWX-PjaIaTMmOYIbtng5VA6r German (DE)...
  19. son_of_god

    Face Creation Tutorial

    Good day. I am looking for information on how to export the RX3 files from FIFA, and after creating the face, to be able to import it. Some help? Since FIFA 16 I do not.
  20. B


    Hi ! Im working on a Conversion of Fifa 20 squad update to Fifa 19 Cpy - Players stats - Players loans - Team squad - Formations - Leagues - Managers And more I will really appreciate to get some feedback TKS ! https://www.moddingway.com/file/239005.html