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FIFA Infinity Patch 14 (HBZ Mod 19/20 Edition)

Guys, please, i need help
I have installed the mod but the db doesn't apply in the game, i do the FIP14 Version manager but nothing change, i regenerate... i really don't know how i can do that, i tried with all the DB(3. bundesliga, chinese, etc).
Guys, please, i need help
I have installed the mod but the db doesn't apply in the game, i do the FIP14 Version manager but nothing change, i regenerate... i really don't know how i can do that, i tried with all the DB(3. bundesliga, chinese, etc).
You erased the squads file in the game?, in the first installation it can come with a squads file. You need to erase that file.
hello @HarryBullZak im a bit outdated.
version 2.20 is all-in-one or what version do I need to install
I think Harry is working on the next update.
You need to install the next versions on a clean install:

1. FIP14_v212
2. FIP14_v212_fix
3. FIP14_v212_fix_2
4. FIP14_v2_Stadium_Pack_1
5. FIP14_V220
6. FIP14_V220_fix
could it be chance that the players from the academy would have a photo like it is in be a pro wher do you have your photo?
Staus update - 03/07/2020
v2.30 will actually be the last release, but it will be ICONic

Contrary to what I said yesterday v2.30 will be the final release of FIP14 v2.

Instead, I will merge the planned updates for the final version into v2.30. This will of course include the Icons and the new scoreboards. I do not have a new release date yet but it will be very soon.

For those that will ask. I have made this decision due to my personal circumstances changing in the past hour leaving me with no time to finish the original update this weekend.

Referee substitution boards (digital boards)
I have seen that the Premier League substitution boards have been posted. To use them with this mod, you do not have to add the .lua file. Support was added to the new Revolution Mod included with FIP14 v2.

To use them simply name the file as below:

So for the Premier League boards, you would have the following name:

Then place them here: FIFA 14\Game\data\sceneassets\prop\

This enables the possibility to use different digital boards for different leagues and competitions. No additional .lua files are necessary and if you have added them I suggest you delete them when using this mod.

Please check the following post for regular updates
>>> HERE <<<

Join our discord server to leave feedback, bugs and get support on this mod and more.
pls dont forget to add the staduim of ligue 1 de france thank you
Hello Everyone. Some of the new stadiums (like Fortuna Dusseldorf Arena) do lag somehow, even when just focused on the pitch. I know of course, it was not designed for Fifa 14. But other stadiums run very smoothly (f.e. Weserstadion) when focussing the pitch. Is there a way to edit the lagging stadiums, as they are not more complex than the default stadiums, or are they? Any tips? Regards from Germany!

My Specs:
Intel Core i5-2450M CPU @2.50GHz 2.50GHz
Nvidida Geforce 610M - 1 GB
Hey Harry, if i want to add kits (2020/21 ones) in your mod and edit kit numbers and everything, I have to click save in CM for the changes to apply to the kit numbers and collars. Is there any way to do it without clicking save?