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FIFA Editing Tool 21

**FIFA Editing Toolsuite 1.0.8 Release**


The powerful Editor can be used to create mods, with the ability to import and export many files including Textures and Meshes, with an incredible amount of other features to help you along the way.

Mod Manager​

You can use the Mod Manager to import and apply mods made from others (or yourself) made by the Editor, and has the power to play with multiple mods at the same time.


How To Install:​


1. Download the rar from the link provided: https://www.fifaeditortool.com/download
2. Extract the whole folder from the rar somewhere on your PC.
3. Go to the folder and run the exe (preferably as Admin)
4. It will ask you for an encryption key. This will not be provided here, but it is the same as FIFA 19 and FIFA 20. You can copy the fifa19.key/fifa20.key file from your Frosty folder into the Editor folder, then change the name to fifa21.key and restart the program. Otherwise, it can be found on Google.

Mod Manager:

1. Download the rar from the link provided: https://www.fifaeditortool.com/download
2. Extract the whole folder from the rar somewhere on your PC.
3. Go to the folder and run the exe (preferably as Admin)


Last edited:
November 13th 2020: Added checkboxes for showing only modified or unmodified assets for EBX, legacy, and Res/Chunk Explorers, improved error handling in certain circumstances, log files are now stored in a "Logs" folder, fixed a bug where the game would crash when double-clicking empty space in certain situations, fixed another bug that would cause an error to appear when launching the game in certain situations, added an "All Images" filter to the folder browse popup when importing DDS/Textures, which displays all PNG, DDS, HDR and TGA files. This is now the default setting. Added keyboard shortcuts for exporting mods (Ctrl+Shift+E) and launching the game (Ctrl+Shift+L), improved selection stability in Data and Legacy folder lists. Added a "New" and "Save As" buttons to the Menu Bar under file, to ease creating and saving projects. They use the respective keyboard shortcuts of Ctrl+N and Ctrl+Shift+S. Disabled the export of meshes and audio since it would crash, did some general code improvements and improved MeshSet parsing (still can't export meshes).

Added a margin between the DirectX and profile controls to seperate them, disabled re-ordering columns on the conflicts tab as it was causing issues, Log files are now stord in a "Logs" folder and fixed an issue that would cause an error to appear when launching the game in certain situations.

IF no major issues are found in tonight's beta of the Editor and Mod Manager, the first PUBLIC and FREE release for ANYONE to use of the FIFA Editing Toolsuite, comprised of the Editor and Mod Manager, will hopefully be released tomorrow, November 15th, EST Time. No promises. :)
November 14th 2020: Created new "SDK" folder for the SDKs, embedded the other files from the "lib" folder into the EXE to reduce clutter, and deleted the lib folder. Added support for exporting multiple files at once from the Data, Legacy, and Res/Chunk explorer. Opening a project now refreshes the data and legacy explorer, and fixed a couple of bugs.