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FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

We have common concerns ...
Sufado on Moddingway who takes mods and posts on platforms, not making credits.
This is theft,
And I defend the FIP and Community Mod for a few days ....
Hey, Sebba. We will never be completely free of this, mate. I have been doing mods since FIFA 12 and since that time until now THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ON MODDINGWAY "REPACKAGING" IT AS THEIR OWN. It's immensely frustrating but I have learned to ignore them. If you don't, you will lose your motivation to continue.
Hi rique, hope you are well my friend!

Nobody is forbidding Seb in using FIP18 as a base for his Community Mod, we already gave him the ok since FIP 4.0 and of course he can use FIP 5.0 if he shares the mod with everyone the way he does. I don't know why Southwest87 started this drama based on reasons that simply don't exist, he may have been confused but he apologized and we can move on now.
Hey, Damien! I am doing very well, mate. I am back to FIFA after a long break and a lot of changes in my life. How are you doing? Yes, I know you are a cool guy so it would be great for us to move forward. I could not continue to mod FIFA 14. The gameplay was great but it is s far behind graphically. However, I will always help the guys in The FIFA 14 forum when I have free time.
Thank you for your message,

It is important to remember that for the moment we were prohibited from using FIP 5.0.

We respect this because it is a heavy job.

If we are allowed, we are happy ...

But right now, I have private messages saying the opposite.

I do not want to spit on someone or a job
Because we are very proud to use a solid foundation like FIP for our mod.

You were in the first to allow us when others refused.

The Community Mod is manufactured on a FIP / IMS basis and we are proud to sell it.
IMS, we have no contact.
FIP, you are present, there is an exchange.
It is highly appreciated.

I think you are all good guys defending a passion.

It is important to solve this problem.
The community should not see this.

For a better future guys!


Reserve Team
We have common concerns ...
Sufado on Moddingway who takes mods and posts on platforms, not making credits.
This is theft,
And I defend the FIP and Community Mod for a few days ....

Hey, Sebba. We will never be completely free of this, mate. I have been doing mods since FIFA 12 and since that time until now THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ON MODDINGWAY "REPACKAGING" IT AS THEIR OWN. It's immensely frustrating but I have learned to ignore them. If you don't, you will lose your motivation to continue.

That place is a nightmare for honest and productive modders. Like rique says, it's better to avoid that place all together, I personally never check it because it's full of crappy popups, ads and links with questionable content.

Thank you for your message,

It is important to remember that for the moment we were prohibited from using FIP 5.0.

We respect this because it is a heavy job.

If we are allowed, we are happy ...

But right now, I have private messages saying the opposite.

I do not want to spit on someone or a job
Because we are very proud to use a solid foundation like FIP for our mod.

You were in the first to allow us when others refused.

The Community Mod is manufactured on a FIP / IMS basis and we are proud to sell it.
IMS, we have no contact.
FIP, you are present, there is an exchange.
It is highly appreciated.

I think you are all good guys defending a passion.

It is important to solve this problem.
The community should not see this.

For a better future guys!

You can use it mate, nafer probably had an instant reaction as he felt insulted by those posts, as anyone in his position would have been. He's a great guy and an amazing modder so don't have hard feelings towards him.
I still want to apologize for the confusion of my words (which I deleted). Indeed, Fifa Infinity is NOT moddingway. Because that's where you find it, Damien: "full of crappy popups, ads and links with questionable content."

Really, I'm sorry. You are good guys, so it's cool dude ... It's my fault. ;)
Nafer is a good guy,
I have a good contact with him.

And I respect his request,
But well before release 5.0, he had informed me not to use the mod before authorization.

I understand him perfectly and respect him,
But that's what made the problem today, or the bad discussion.

I think the worry is over.
The public does not need it.

We will have a discussion this week that will serve to bring the best to both mods, to the community.

I understood that you were intelligent and passionate people.

Know also, that we never seek to earn money.
All our links are without ads ...
The Youtube channel, not monetized.

The story of the community Mod is simple.
It's a collection of personal mod, which I assembled for myself at the beginning.

The pleasure of sharing


Youth Team
There's a modification I do in CGFE to a specific ini file in my FIFA installs. When I try to create a new mod in CGFE when I modify that ini in the v5.0 mod that has the camera package and then try to create the new mod, it crashes CGFE every time. Does anyone know why this happens? I was able to get it to work with the regular v5.0 mod but something in that camera version is giving me problems. Just to be clear, it's that big error box with the read header that many people often mention.
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Too much trouble in my opinion just for adjusting your budget. It's more simple to use cheat engine or, even better, db master for editing your squad file with the help of Fidel's converter. You just edit the budget in teams tab and each year you'll have a constant budget.
And of course, the ideal solution, we wait and hope for the release of frosty tools and/or explorer!

I took your advise and gave the cheat table a try.
It’s easy and convenient to use.
Thanks for the tip.
FIP 5.0 and IMS Studios
Career Mod 4.0
New flags
New banners
Kits 18/19 for many clubs
The new Fifa 19 teams (Beziers Red Star Grenoble for France) And many others.

Most of the previous mistakes are fixed.

And a lot of content still
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Please improve the a.i , make it more capable on the attack because i feel like even if i try to modify it in the sliders, it feels like i'm on amateur level ( even though i play on the legendary difficulty ) and if you can make a version with legends to play with in career mode ( like Nafer did with fip 5.0 ) that would be great.Thanks again for your hard work.
For Gameplay / IA
There are 3 versions
Default, Gameplay 3.0 and Gameplay 4.0.
Use the one that meets your expectations.

There will be no versions with the icons.
But if you use the Team Icons Files from FIP 5.0, it should work without any problem.
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Youth Team
For Gameplay / IA
There are 3 versions
Default, Gameplay 3.0 and Gameplay 4.0.
Use the one that meets your expectations.

There will be no versions with the icons.
But if you use the Team Icons Files from FIP 5.0, it should work without any problem.
Sebbastos, I really hope to see you working on fifa 19 when the time comes....it's much better than fifa 18.
We do not have long to wait now for the tools needed to edit the game.
We will be on a new thread for version VI, thanks for following the new post guys

I confirm the update in the night of Saturday.
Two versions a light and a Full.

Saturday on the new thread