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FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

Light version :

FIP 5.0
Banners EUR (southwest87's french banners and some of the rest of world)
Logos of the Cups
Career Mod 4.0
PS controller
Some of the jerseys 18/19
Relegations / promotions / European Cups / transfers.
And some modifications ...

Hard :

FIP 5.0
Banners EUR (southwest87's french banners and some of the rest of world)
Logos of the Cups
The flags ESP FR ITA and some EUR. And Southwest87's french flags that promise a beautiful championship of France.
Career Mod 4.0
PS controller
A big shift of jerseys 18/19
Relegations / promotions / European Cups / transfers.
And some modifications ...
Sebbastos, I really hope to see you working on fifa 19 when the time comes....it's much better than fifa 18.
We do not have long to wait now for the tools needed to edit the game.
Really?? What do you know About a release of Tools for editing Fifa 19? I have Nothing read or heard About a soon release, is the Dream come true?


Youth Team
Really?? What do you know About a release of Tools for editing Fifa 19? I have Nothing read or heard About a soon release, is the Dream come true?
Well, you can see Fidel, Rinaldo and Damien are close to the first release of their tool which we still don't know how complex it will be but I believe it will be very good. As for Frosty editor, I do not know nothing either but I'm convinced it will come since that team already released a read only profile for fifa 19.
Shawminator and it's tool...it's a mystery. The man released it's tool for PES 19 and is great as for fifa, who knows...
Well, you can see Fidel, Rinaldo and Damien are close to the first release of their tool which we still don't know how complex it will be but I believe it will be very good. As for Frosty editor, I do not know nothing either but I'm convinced it will come since that team already released a read only profile for fifa 19.
Shawminator and it's tool...it's a mystery. The man released it's tool for PES 19 and is great as for fifa, who knows...

Ok, thank you very much for your impressions About the Tools, Qasar80! We all Looking Forward for them.


Youth Team
Just out of curiosity, how are you guys loading the mod under the new Windows version? Did you all stay on the previous version of Windows?