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FIFA 14 mow patterns (for FIFA 16 too)

Now, as far as I know by heart (if I am mistaken, you let me know), we finished the "exclusive" mow patterns related to major cups/tournaments.

From now on, I will post mow patterns that were normally used in many stadiums of different cups/tournaments from the mid 60's to the beginning of this century. As usual, for all of them, I will provide some examples (for instance, San Siro 1990).

The difference among them, I mean, visually, will be the "wear pattern", "pitch color texture" and sometimes (like Argentina 1978), "confetti"/shread paper. Like I mentioned before, these 3 will have their own threads (when I finish this one, or at least, all the mow patterns I already have/created), but for the sake of example, I will show you one here. I mean, the same mow pattern, but with different wear pattern, pitch color textures, etc.
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Hey, guys! As promised, I start now the generic mow patterns. To begin, what I call "Very Narrow", used a lot during mid 60's until the first half of the 90's.

You will find two versions:
regular (more used from 1988 to 1992 major competitions. Example: San Siro 1990.
"classic" (more used from the 60's to the beginning of the 80's. Example: Olympiastadion 1974.

Besides the regular images, like I also promised, I packed some images (all of them properly named) of both of these versions with a certain "wear pattern", and the "Classic" one with another "pitch color texture" and "shread paper". I don't know for sure if by the images you will be able to see the difference, but my idea here is to show you the different possibilities we have using the same mow pattern (and also, give you a little spoiler of my next threads).

I hope you like it!



Starting XI
Just so you guys to know, after this mow pattern thread, I have plans to open others about:

pitch wear patterns
confetti/shread paper (or something similar) on the field
pitch color textures (I am still testing some options/possibilities)
In this regard I've been thinking about recreating two styles:
1. "Shitty early spring" kind of pitch files for cold places like Russia :D
Although it doesn't look perfect, it still could add a lot of character to games played in places when it's still -20 C in March

2. Euro 2008 Basel stadium pitch wear.
I remember this stadium specifically was used a lot during that tournament and by playoffs the pitch started looking like patchwork

Would be cool if you achieved some progress in this area!
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In this regard I've been thinking about recreating two styles:
1. "Shitty early spring" kind of pitch files for cold places like Russia :D
Although it doesn't look, it still could add a lot of character to games played in places when it's still -20 C in March

2. Euro 2008 Basel stadium pitch wear.
I remember this stadium specifically was used a lot during that tournament and by playoffs the pitch started looking like patchwork

Would be cool if you achieved some progress in this area!
Hey, man! I think both of them are possible to be done. I just would have to test some things. In Basel one, I have to check if I can reproduce this "muddy" color even on "warm" matches (because the game automatically changes the color or the wear pattern according to the lights, like day/night, summer/winter. This is the color of night/winter games). This could be the only limitation about this one. The rest, I already know how to do.

About Russian winter fields, I just have to test the "shitty" aspect (like you put and I really liked lol). The rest is totally possible (and even easier than the Basel one).

I will let you know about my progress, and even if it's before opening the thread about the pitch wear, I can put it/them here.
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Hey, man! I think both of them are possible to be done. I just would have to test some things. In Basel one, I have to check if I can reproduce this "muddy" color even on "warm" matches (because the game automatically changes the color or the wear pattern according to the lights, like day/night, summer/winter. This is the color of night/winter games). This could be the only limitation about this one. The rest, I already know how to do.

About Russian winter fields, I just have to test the "shitty" aspect (like you put and I really liked lol). The rest is totally possible (and even easier than the Basel one).

I will let you know about my progress, and even if it's before opening the thread about the pitch wear, I can put it/them here.
I had some tests here (about Russian "shitty" version), and I think I was able to find a way. However, as I said before, there is a color limitation regarding the time and the weather.

Here, I have four images of the same pattern. You see that in night games the pitch wear becomes lighter. The thing is, if I make the pitch wear darker, at night games, some black squares appear on the field (if you notice, they slightly appear on the images I uploaded). So, for this specific pitch wear, this the darkest I can get (what I mean is: day games will be "better").

If you liked this way, I can tell you now for sure that this one is possible (but I will have to develop later, because it takes a lot of time).

About Basel one, as I predicted, it will be harder, because not only does the pitch have 3 shades (lighter, darker and muddy), the game has this day light/night light limitation. So, something that is lighter in day light becomes darker in night light, but the opposite doesn't happen. So far, I couldn't find something that is similar to the lighter part of that image (in night time matches).

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@V.K I know how it feels to keep waiting for things we really like here. Even though I said I was going to do that later, also as a sign of appreciation for everything you do for the community (including myself), allow me to change topics a little bit here: I present the first version of what I call "Russian pitch wear pattern".

This is the first version. I will do others later (more "worn", less "worn", different spots of "worn". If you want, you can share some patterns you may like to have.

P.S.: I didn't make it from scratch. The base pattern is not mine. Although I don't know the author(s), all credits to them. I just edited it.

Watching some videos from WC 1990 I realised I may have made a mistake: San Siro's mow pattern's stripes were a little wider than the generic mow pattern I shared some days ago (the "Very Narrow" one).

Since I had time today it's holiday here in Brazil, I created a new one. It stays between "Very Narrow" and "Narrow" (the one I shared today). Besides San Siro, this mow pattern was widely used in Italy from late 80's to mid 90's. At first sight, it may seen identycal to "Very Narrow", but it's not.

You will find two versions:

P.S.: sorry about the volume icon in one of the images. When I saw it, it was late lol.



Youth Team
Hey, guys! To continue World Cup 1994, now we have 3 stadiums mow patterns: Rose Bowl (the final venue), Soldier Field (the opening venue), and Giants Stadium (Italy x Ireland, Italy x Bulgaria, among others).

These 3 are the examples I mentioned before. I didn't make any of them. I got them from Classic Patch 16 and just adapted to FIFA 14. All credits to the author(s). I am just putting all of them here together. If Iam doing something wrong by having them here, please let me know. I don't want to cross any line.

The only thing I did was to adapt Rose Bowl mow pattern into the "Classic version", but the original is also here.

hi man next time ask before you pulier some of my creations ... (world cup 94 patterns)

Icône de validation par la communauté
hi man next time ask before you pulier some of my creations ... (world cup 94 patterns)

View attachment 74473
Sorry about that! Like I said here some times, I really didn't know who was the author, and stated the credits were not mine at all. I even asked if I was doing something wrong, but I am glad to know now who was the author of these great mow patterns. I got these patterns from the Classic Patch.

Anyway, sorry again for the trouble I caused. If you want, I can remove them from this thread.
To start, one of the most memorable mow patterns ever, due to its design, and also the relevance of the game (the loss of my favorite team ever): Sarriá's tragedy mow pattern (Brazil x Italy 1982). The next ones will be about the same group in Spain 1982

You will see that I have two versions: one with larger stripes, and the other with narrow ones. You can choose which one you like better.

PS: don't mind the names and numbers on the files. They are for my personal control.

PS 2: don't mind the wear pattern on the screens. It's something I put (I will start another thread about it)
Hello Bruno, can you make the circles for me on this mow pattern? Thank you so much
Hello Bruno, can you make the circles for me on this mow pattern? Thank you so muchView attachment 89207 ?
Hey man, thanks for the Nice words! I stopped posting here because now I am focusing on converting/editing stadiums for a project that is happening for F14. I still have some mow patterns and many wear patterns I want do create/edit but I don't have time to do all things (plus job, life, etc... It sucks hahahaha). If you are not in a hurry, when I finish this stadium project, I can have more time to test what you want, because so far I didn't make any pattern like this (stripes over stripes), since I focused on Classic patterns.