Hi, i´m new to this site, and i have found a lot of incredible things in here (especially the work of GIGGIRIVA and ACICOG in fifa Classic Patch (if i´m missing anyone, i also thank you for your amazing work).
Before playing FIFA 14, i used to and still play a lot of PES 6, and in my time there i converted all of the world cup stadiums from PES 5 (thanks to this site https://www.facebook.com/we9historiamundiales) to PES 6, and i wanted to know if it was possible to replicate that: convert those PES 6 stadiums to FIFA 14.
The link with all the stadiums is here if anyone wants to try:
Before playing FIFA 14, i used to and still play a lot of PES 6, and in my time there i converted all of the world cup stadiums from PES 5 (thanks to this site https://www.facebook.com/we9historiamundiales) to PES 6, and i wanted to know if it was possible to replicate that: convert those PES 6 stadiums to FIFA 14.
The link with all the stadiums is here if anyone wants to try:

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