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ArSeNaL4LlFE Edit's


Club Supporter
After years of editing and modding PES, and now modding FIFA for the last 3 years. I figured I'd open a thread.

First up...

A big thanks to my good friend Ariel and his crew for creating the Moddingway mod even though he even doesnt always feel up for it. We all thank you for it!

I've added a new boot pack compatible with the newest Moddingway mod, including Copa America Mod, Euro 2016 Mod, and as always Pro Clubs and Online modes.
No boots were edited or created by me. Credits for boots go to


Credits to me for compliling boots and editing boot id to be compatible with online play and Moddingway mods.

Drop data folder in your main FIFA 16 folder and let any files overwrite.
Regenerate files using CG File Explorer 16 by shawminator or any other regeneration tool.
Compatible with/without moddingway mod.

Moddingway Mod:


Link to CG File Explorer 16:


Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1dI0S9NnfE

