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Answer yes or no to the following questions: . . ..


Reserve Team
Would you like:

A soccer simulation where after playing for 10-20 minutes, the score would be low? (2-1, 2-2, 3-2 etc)

A soccer sim where it would actually take a while for you to get from one end of the field to the other..

A soccer sim where you would get so few goals, that you go nuts on the goals you actually do get??

A soccer sim with much better gameplay than FIFA 2001?

If you answered yes to all of these questions AND you own UEFA Challenge then this fantasy will become a reality...the best is yet to come, stay tuned and keep your eyes on this post....

SCTW www.wishlist.gq.nu


Club Supporter
What exactly does that mean?
Are we getting another patch?

Hope so because the last one wasn't up to much!! :confused:


Club Supporter
If it is a new patch it might stop an apposing team player from carrying out a "back heal" from beside the corner flag, surrounded by your own team players, which ten turns into a 20 yard inch perfect cross!! :mad: :mad: Yeah, like totally REAL!... NOT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by SCTW:
<STRONG>Would you like:

A soccer simulation where after playing for 10-20 minutes, the score would be low? (2-1, 2-2, 3-2 etc)

A soccer sim where it would actually take a while for you to get from one end of the field to the other..

A soccer sim where you would get so few goals, that you go nuts on the goals you actually do get??

A soccer sim with much better gameplay than FIFA 2001?

If you answered yes to all of these questions AND you own UEFA Challenge then this fantasy will become a reality...the best is yet to come, stay tuned and keep your eyes on this post....

SCTW www.wishlist.gq.nu</STRONG>

yes to all.