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2014 FIFA World Cup conversion

F14 stadiums banner template
View attachment 129695

WC 14 DLC / Stadiums banners template (also funny af "to go russia")
View attachment 129696

If you use that Poland banner at a WC 14 stadium some banners will be POL and some will be SKA
well, these formats are incompatible with each other
if I scale lowest row to FIFA 14, with 2014 WC flags, two flags will display as one
let's say they are sewn to each other and that's what I'll probably go with
New version of the script
import bpy
import os

def replace_image_textures():
for material in bpy.data.materials:
for texture_slot in material.texture_slots:
if texture_slot and texture_slot.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and texture_slot.texture.image:
image = texture_slot.texture.image
if image.filepath.lower().endswith('.dds'):
old_filepath = bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath)
new_filepath = os.path.splitext(old_filepath)[0] + "_new.png"
if old_filepath != new_filepath:
bpy.ops.image.open(filepath=new_filepath, directory=os.path.dirname(old_filepath), files=[{"name": os.path.basename(new_filepath)}], relative_path=True)
new_image = bpy.data.images.get(os.path.basename(new_filepath))
if new_image:
texture_slot.texture.image = new_image

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
Do you like new training arena?
hi bro , how can i get this arena for fifa 14 to play a match here ? also how can i play a match in the main arena ?
I didn't convert nothing, just put the files with appropriate
I didn't convert nothing, just put the files with appropriate name
could you please send me the practice arenas from other fifas like 2014 world cup and euro 12 for my fifa 14 . i want to play matches in arenas...i can currently play in the standard fifa 14 arena but only day time. when i play at night the sky turns blue and green..please help.
Thanks for your nice work. It works great after regenerating with CM14.
I finally found solution to play World Cup 2014 Brazil.
Last edited:

I am writing everything in English but I don't know if the default translator puts it in Spanish because I am publishing everything in English but everything is translated into Spanish
Hello! Sorry to bother you, I am contacting you because I want to know a short thing.

Is the FIFA 14: 2014 World Cup conversion mode working on pirated (cracked) version of FIFA 14? I know it is unethical but i cannot find a single store that sell FIFA 14. I believe that this is due to the fact that the game is 10 years old and there is nothing to sell anymore.

I really love your work and I would appreciate if you will respond to me!
Hi, I installed the mod, however, I still don't have the stadiums, only the theme menu applied, I also regenerated using CM14 (I used the FIFA 14 Origin version).

Well...I know what you gonna say.
FIFA Infinity did it back in 2014 and it's fantastic. I thought so. Until I installed it.

In my honest opinion, they unnecessarily deleted kits for teams, made Adidas all-Star team unplayable, some faces look off etc...
They had worse tools than we have almost a decade later, so I made my own version, after finishing updating EURO 2012 DLC (yes, I'm preparing one more and hopefully last update for it with all EURO 2012 kits). I did similar thing with 2010 World Cup project based on FIFA 11. Here is even easier, because I am working in 14 on a daily basis.

This is a conversion of 2014 FIFA World Cup game from PS3 and Xbox 360 and most assets come from here. However FIFA 14 probably contains the most community-made assets from all FIFA games, so it contains also some more things.
Mod includes:
- new theme (made by @Emran_Ahmed)
- new soundtrack; from the original game + 1 bonus track (La La La by Shakira)
- new intro and splash
- 2 databases
- one including all original 203 national teams, Classic XI, adidas All-Stars and adidas Young Guns team with original rosters
- one including authentic 2014 World Cup line-ups including missing players
- converted all stadiums, kit models, kits, generic and specific gamefaces and other sceneassets from original game
- hand-made crowds for generic stadiums
- new stadiums including Stade de France, Soccer City, Stadion Narodowy, NSK Olimpiyskiy, Stade de Suisse etc...
- 3rd WC kit for Belgium and Spain and new kit set for Ecuador
- new GUI fonts including scoreboards and pop-ups
- 2 scoreboards, one inspired by real 2014 WC one from 2014 WC game
- flags, banners, adboards, shoes, balls from original game
- 8 tournaments: FIFA World Cup finals, 6 full Qualifiers campaign and Confederations Cup, both with real and custom squads
- new faces from FIFA 15-22, FO3, FO4 and some custom faces (summing with 2014 WC faces, up to 1000)
- new models for minor sceneassets like photographers or ball boys
and a lot of fun

Thanks to @tokke001. As before, without his personal support and his tools, there wouldn't be this mod.
Thanks also to @Emran_Ahmed for making a brand new theme, much closer to original game than one in FIFA Infinity Team.
Second database is based on @GIGGIRIVA's Classic Patch for FIFA 14.
Thanks also to @humbertoaze for his beautiful Stade de France.
Other thanks go to FIFA Infinity that inspired this mod, as well as every facemaker or kitmaker which job is a part of this project.

Link to download: https://mega.nz/file/d8B2iYJA#5kN-QxBH7l8zSeMUC8X2xqZqaghlPE8lKJ_XvGhoac0
Hotfix 1.01: https://mega.nz/file/EsRjGRYB#DIsJy97mVR_qt7vDX1yBBNdjaP8zDQkI859nQsIa6zw

Conversion supports English and Polish
Install is easy. Unpack to FIFA 14 main directory and regenerate it all. In contrast to FIFA 11, it shouldn't be big problem with it.
There are 3 packed dlc folders, first is with real, authentic groups for all tournaments, second is with random drawn groups for every tournaments, and the last is the same as the first one, to be used to edit things in Creation Master. For use in game, they are hot swappable, just unpack needed dlc and done.
Which regenerator do you recommend in order to install the mod correctly? Creation Master 14, Creation master 15 or i68 Regenerator?

burc ugur

Club Supporter
I'm wondering, are there qualifying adboards and qualifying scoreboards in qualifiers?

And I'm wondering, have you added this patch to the tournament mode or only play to the kick off mode? Have you deleted FIFA 14 musics other than World Cup?
I'm wondering, are there qualifying adboards and qualifying scoreboards in qualifiers?

And I'm wondering, have you added this patch to the tournament mode or only play to the kick off mode? Have you deleted FIFA 14 musics other than World Cup?
I use adboards, soundtrack and scoreboard from 2014 World Cup game.
Mod has functioning tournament mode with qualifiers splitted for each confederation

burc ugur

Club Supporter
I use adboards, soundtrack and scoreboard from 2014 World Cup game.
Mod has functioning tournament mode with qualifiers splitted for each confederation
look what i want say

this is official ps3/4 world cup game and if you watch this video you will be saw pitch center Qualifiers adboard and check scoreboard. i want say this first.

second: you deleted fifa 14 orijinal musics? so include world cup musics? or delete fifa 14 musics instead world cup musics?
look what i want say

this is official ps3/4 world cup game and if you watch this video you will be saw pitch center Qualifiers adboard and check scoreboard. i want say this first.

second: you deleted fifa 14 orijinal musics? so include world cup musics? or delete fifa 14 musics instead world cup musics?
Have you even installed the patch?
Or even watched the preview video which is on the first post?