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2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil PC Conversion Patch Thread

burc ugur

Club Supporter
Hello i work FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa port/convert to PC plafform.

You help me please ..

FIFA 11 PC / FIFA World Cup 2010 PS3 : The same game engine.
because the all world cup 2010 ps3 file open the fifa 11 texture editor !

I copied to World Cup 2010 Files :

data0.big.sdat (This file extension differently) PC data0.big

and data folder


Move to FIFA 11 directory. But game not open crashed.
Fifa11.exe file content because different..
Fifa11.exe we can edit the file work ins World Cup 2010 pc !

please help ..


Youth Team
benqbiggis;3650587 said:
you need to decompress with quickbms before mate

i'm not sure if my my script will decompress them, because the .db file is not decompressing fully like faces and kits

i decompress this files. and work

but the crowdplacement did not work

and missing NEW flags of the game

These flags must be in some sceneassets folder, or some new code is the stadium


Youth Team
ronaldojr;3650599 said:

i decompress this files. and work

but the crowdplacement did not work

and missing NEW flags of the game

These flags must be in some sceneassets folder, or some new code is the stadium

the crowd i had sure that won't work because the animations are totally different from PC


Senior Squad
burc ugur;3650640 said:
Please help me please :((

How to world cup 2010 ps3 port to PC ?

It won't work...There is a thread in the FIFA 11 forums devoted to this. Only some of the textures work. The stadiums are not fully adaptable either.


Youth Team
I have extracted all the XBOX 360 files, I will share them soon.

Good news, after decompressing the db I could open it using DB Master!


Youth Team
rique;3650665 said:
Great. Any good news?

ronaldojr;3650666 said:
can upload the folder SCENEASSETS complete ??? thanks !

MrRonald2796;3650671 said:
Things are looking bright for an almost complete conversion

I hope so, but the fact that it does open the db and it looks completely the same as FIFA 14, it may be possible.

I think that I will share most files tomorrow!


Youth Team
Evolution;3650674 said:
anyone with with either ps3 or xbox 360 get the overlay files? most preferably ps3 if not xbox 360.

I have the XBOX 360 files unpacked, but I can't see the images.
I'll see what I can do.

Here one screen: