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  • Im taking a change, maybe you will answer me maybe you wont. Im trying to change a splash file on ps3. The splash file is encrypted if i replace it or delete it the game still reads the old splash file wich is kind of odd. How does the game read a deleted file. It means its reading it from somewhere else. But i cant find another splash file in the game files.
    Hey, bro, I would like to ask some questions about FIFA SBS and SBR hexadecimal. I'm wondering if you're available

    Could you please respond to my conversation messages that I've sent you? I will appreciate any reply from you, if you can please write back....

    Could you please respond to my conversation messages that I've sent you? I will appreciate any reply from you, if you can spare the time to write back....
    Hi fifayoun,

    I still haven't heard back from you about the national anthems soundbanks. If you can please contact me, I will really appreciate it!
    Hola Youn! queria saber si me puede ayudar a localizar algunos archivos ya modifique colores del menu con notepad y con algunos codigos pero me gustaria tambien editar otros ,gracias!
    @fifayoun hola, me gustaría saber si me podrías explicar como hiciste los cambios en tus parches, para ver si puedo seguir avanzando con lo que dejaste ya hecho, es un gran trabajo lo tuyo , muchas gracias por hacerlo
    and could you help me change the kit numbers to fifa 20 in xbox 360 please
    FIFA 19 on 360? It works the same as PS3, so you can look in my thread.

    But you must have a modded console.
    yes, I have a modified rgh console will it work?
    Yes, it should work.
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