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  1. Harry BullZak

    How to... Create wipe3d files for FIFA 14

    wipe3d editing guide A commonly requested feature for FIP14 is the addition of updated wipe3d files. Below I will try to explain how to make them. wipe3d updates are low on my priority list, so if you want them, try the guide below. You will need: Jenkey FIFA File Explorer 2014 Image editing...
  2. J

    FIFA 14 Registry CM14

    Hello. I would like to start by saying that I’m not sure if I’m posting in the correct area, so I apologize if I’m in the wrong section. My question is as follows: I’m trying to use CM14 for the pirated FIFA 14, but whenever I try to open it via "Open - Select lan.db", I get this error. I saw...
  3. gooner34

    FIFA14 F.A.Q

    1) How is it possible in fifa 14 to configure the shadow on the sun to be displayed differently depending on the start of time in the match?? for example, do I choose at 13:00 in the afternoon or 15:00 so that the shadow is different? 2) and another question; when you choose the time of sunset...
  4. MechaGodzilla

    [HELP]Commentary Names DB - Experienced DB Editors

    Hi, I am trying to map Beckham's commentary name to another player using DBMaster. So far this is what i did... I created 2 players with DBmaster, one is beckham 1998 (id 258779) and the other is beckham 2002 (id 258778) (Both of them with specific faces): beckham 1998 (id 258779) and the...
  5. G

    Help to Play Manager Mode with a Created League

    Hello, I am adding the Nicaraguan League, with 12 teams, when I play the career mode with another team, everything goes well, but if I want to play with the Nicaraguan League it crashes, someone told me what it was, because the scout.ini, the transfer and transfers, they don't have the league...
  6. Serbaq

    FIFARO v2 - now on soccergaming!

    EN: Hello Everyone! I would like to present to you how I worked on FIFA 14!! Finally, after half a year with working and with help from some boys, The Mode would be download on this site!! RO: Bună ziua tuturor! Aș dori să vă prezint cum am lucrat la FIFA 14!! In sfarsit, dupa o jumatate de...
  7. G

    Add League to FIP v5.03 without closing in career mode

    Hello, does anyone know how I can add a league in FIP14 v5.03 without it closing when playing in career mode? And what is the minimum number of teams that the league should have?.And add the selection of the country of the league
  8. pollofrito01

    Scoreboards For FIFA 14 (No Requests)

    UEFA SUPERCUP (2023) i'm making some scoreboards for fifa 14, i dont know about hex edition i only replace textures :) i'll make some more, hope you like it https://www.mediafire.com/file/0qb8wlhsjiebb5n/SB%252BPU_UEFA_Supercup_%25282023%2529.zip/file
  9. ovide

    FIFA infinity v6 23/24 season for FIFA 14

    Hello everyone the season 23/24 for fifa 14 has begun status as the name says, this is the community mod, everyone contributes in the way they can FC24 theme READY, made by Emran_hamed fc24 database READY, made by...
  10. Emran_Ahm3d

    [Help] Every single known reason of a Career Mode crash

    Hi, I am making a mod which is just the default db with new national teams added via cmp patches. The game is now crashing when I start a career. It crashes right after the Career Mode Intro, during the loading screen. I have figured out that the issue lies in the DB. Now what are the known db...
  11. A

    A question about db

    Hi my friends Is there a way to access the db folder files of update 14 fifa 23? To convert FIFA 23 db to FIFA 14, I need to access the fifa_ng_db file located in the db folder, but there is no information about it in the data folder.
  12. F

    Edit menu language?

    How to edit a language that is not available from fifa official? Using what tool? I want to change only the menu language, is that possible? , Thanks
  13. GioArtz

    Napoli Fantasy Kits

    Napoli fantasy kit, the kit is made for fifa 23, I only passed it to fifa 14, all credits to the creator @the137man
  14. L

    How to edit FIFA 14 menu/interface?

    hi team i am new, i would like to know the tools i would need to be able to create my own menu/interface/theme for fifa 14. i have no mod knowledge as i said i am new.
  15. Murillo 14


    some hero who has it that is not torrent ?
  16. V.K

    F11 Remastered in F14 | Alternate History Career Mod - the Beginning

    Hey all! I am happy to announce the commencement of a project I've had on my mind for a very long time: Alternate History Career Mod. The first step of this project is remastering F11 (as it is the earliest FIFA title we have with convertable DB and graphics, it seem) in F14. Above all I...
  17. Emran_Ahm3d

    [Release] FIFA 23 Theme + Official Soundtrack For FIFA 14

    ( !! ATTENTION YOUTUBERS !! ) If you are going to showcase this mod on your youtube channel, Kindly message me here or on Discord for permission, My Discord ID is Emran_Ahmed#1882. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  18. M

    FIFA 14 career mode crash reason

    I have 2 questions: 1. there is a way to know why FIFA 14 crash in career mode? e.g. why crash after a FIFA 14 editing (league change, team change, etc) 2. there is a limit on leagues creation? I usually add more leagues, teams, national teams, etc and at some point start crashing career mode...
  19. J

    FIFA 22 Nintendo Switch Body Model for FIFA 14

    Hello guys, i'm doing a FIFA model project, after so much work, I managed to make certain conversions of FIFA 22 Nintendo Switch models and adjusted the body for FIFA 14, here are some samples. Can use the FIFA 22 Kits textures without a problem, without make a edit for the sleeves for adjust...
  20. J

    FIFA 22 Nintendo Switch Body Model for FIFA 14

    Hello guys, after so much work, I managed to make certain conversions of FIFA 22 Nintendo Switch models and adjusted the body for FIFA 14. I will fix some details soon http://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifa-22-nintendo-switch-body-model-for-fifa-14.6470841/#post-6707261