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  • Hi bro Is there a way to access the db folder files of update 14 fifa 23?
    To convert FIFA 23 db to FIFA 14, I need to access the fifa_ng_db file located in the db folder, but there is no information about it in the data folder.
    From fifa 23 pc?
    U need extract with fifa editor : 2nd tab legacy files, then /data/db/

    The db squads may be from august 2022 (begin of fifa 23)
    But if u need latest squads, u need download the squads file update
    Bro, why does the Fifa Converter 23 tool always fail when I try to compress rx3 to chunkref??
    U have latest tool version?
    U can post the details of the error?
    version 23 update. eror freeze bro
    version 23 update. eror freeze bro
    Friend, can you help me convert the managers, I want to convert from F16 to F14, I've done everything but I can't, you can help me!
    I'm using the latest FIFA Converter!
    tokke is there a way to convert these FIFA 16 managers to FIFA 14

    hi tokke sorry for bothering you but when i edit the database of FIFA 11 patch 16/17 the game crash or the game is corrupted. how can i edit the database withouth errors or crash?
    Bro. I got these new boot models from discord. Pogba's predator accuracy low cut model and Nike Phantom GX model. Both are in fbx. I'm unable to use them. Can you please convert them to rx3 for me? I've uploaded the files here;
    I have any problems with the faces and the neck. I need to adapt the faces to FIFA 19 xbox 369. That the problem can be solved with a blender. Thank you and i need your help to convert face to xbox 360.
    My friend, again, another favor, I got these amazing faces by Tom an Keparik. Can you please convert them into RX3

    Hi tokke001.
    I'm sorry for bothering you here but I have doubt when I use your rx3 texture converter: I export the kit positions file in txt but I have a few difficulties in trying to figure out the pixels coordinates of the club crest on the shirt texture. I guess these coordinates are expressed in 0 & 1 spaces, but what should I do to convert them in a pixel format?
    Thanks in advance.
    Hi man, is there any possibility you can convert this into RX3?

    It can be to any game so I can convert it to FIFA 16

    I could convert head the old-fashioned way. How ever, hair conversion is beyond my skills and knowledge.
    Man, is there any possibility you can contact me through PM? Dmitri shared his converting tool with me but I haven't gotten to make it work.

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