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  • Hi Tokke! You're create fantastic mod for FIFA 11, congratulations! :) Can You show me shirts Wisła Kraków and Qarabag from patch 17-18? :)
    Hi tokke001,
    first, i can see that i admire your work. The patch that you did for FIFA 11 is stunning. I was wondering, if you can do me a favour. Can you convert zidane face from FIFA 15. Secondly the maradona face is missing in your patch. Can you send me some link or smth.
    Best regards. Your the best patchmaker. Salute
    Hi tokke001, thank you for answering but I have another problem: I did it as you said, but it comes out written: I've got it right.

    Incorrect optical media.

    Insert the original FIFA 11 CD/DVD-ROM.

    You could reply as soon as possible, thank you.
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