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  • T
    Any chance of FC 25 link table?
    Hey man, great videos and very well detailed, I do have a question I followed your tutorial on how to add a league . I was able to add the Egyptian league but it always crashes after 3 days of simming do you know where my error could have been?
    Hey dude, is there a guide on how to add custom walkout anthem (before kickoff) for FC Barcelona in FIFA 23?
    Absolutely world class videos on YouTube thanks so much for your time in creating them - been really helpful!
    When you created Brazil and Switzerland, what tools did you you use to add their kits in?
    Ah I see! You don’t add the folder, you create the kit and replace another kit you are not using. Then you change the kit.lua or player.lua files in editor to point at the correct kit. I’ll try and sort out a proper tutorial for you this weekend and put it on the channel
    Thanks again. I have learned so much from you and enjoying modding… once I get over the hurdles
    How does the three digit number in schedule work? Is it a certain number of days past a certain date?
    Hello, I saw in an old post of yours that you posted a video teaching how to change the FIFA 16 soundtrack, but the video went down. Where can I find a tutorial for changing the soundtrack?
    Hello! I heard that you quit YouTube channels. What about editing software? Do you plan to resume them in the future?
    I'm working on a new method. More news as soon as I can but I can't commit to dates anymore unfortunately.
    hi, will there be any updates for socermod and do you have any plans to release soccermod for ea fc24, thanks again for your work
    Yes its currently ongoing. Plan is to make a tool which works for all fifas 21-24
    thank you very much you do very more for modding and do you plaining tutorials?
    Yes. I am currently building the basic tools we need so that this can work for everyone. We should be ready to start tutorials at the start of march
    Hi, I feel like some parts of the website are broken as the show images which aren't support to be their, hope you have time to fix it. Also your videos and sites are really helpful to make mods.
    Not broke , just impossible to have the time due to the number of requests. I’m only one guy
    Hi, do you have the link for the latest ModFIFA file?
    Hi, no sorry I made the tool to help some people on this forum several years ago and I had no real need to keep it. Some of the members on here still use it so try posting a message in the thread and someone should be able to sort it
    Hey, thanks for the reply.
    You know it's crazy when you make a barebones tool for helping someone on forums and it becomes the only way to mod FIFA 14 Soundtracks.
    Hi mate, just writing to ask if you've made any progress regarding chants & commentary. I have some lines by Clive Tyldesley & Andy Townsend extracted from earlier FIFA mods in .wav format + there are player callnames from WC2014 that need to be added in.
    Hi mate, for some reasons the tool isn't going beyond the selection of the exe file. After I select the exe file, there's a blank white screen and it doesn't go beyond it. BTW I'm using that fifa 16 dm turks bypass method version
    Try running as administrator. It is trying to locate your Fifa file location but can't find it. Also make sure you have unzipped all the files
    Sathya Narayanan
    I tried everything, it's not working. Can you share the files you made. I'm fed up with the default songs.
    Please give me new link for FifaMod tools, I can't download it from your link, please re upload or upload it by mirror link.. thanks...
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