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FIFA 23 - Improved Grass/Turf/Pitch


Club Supporter
hello, I wonder if the color of the footprints on the ground while the football players are skiing can change, that is, it is not pleasant in the color of the soil.


Club Supporter
hello, I wonder if the color of the footprints on the ground while the football players are skiing can change, that is, it is not pleasant in the color of the soil.
I tried to change it once, but unfortunately I was not able to find the file that does such change.


Club Supporter
Yeah, FIFA 23 has been different to edit the textures. FIFA 18 was the last FIFA that I tried some editing.

I haven't been able to change the color of the grass. It certainly can't be achieved by changing only the textures itself, you can only adjust how bright or dark it may look, as you have mentioned.

Well, I have spent some more time trying some different approaches, and I came up with some results that are good enough for me. I guess I'm done. :D EA developers can't make the definitive realistic turf, HOW are we suppose to do it, right? :P Well, at least we can try to achieve different results to better suit our likings.

These are my last and final attempts. I'm pretty much done with it, and kinda satisfied to be honest. It might not look that realistic, but I find them good to look at in-game. I've also applied subtle wear even to no-wear turfs, to add more variety to the textures itself. Believe me, it does help. I'll leave some comparisons.

Download Link:

I'm not sure what you mean, mate. Turf related textures are the same for every stadium in the game
Bro can you send me the files to edit them?That would be great. Will trying to change something.
