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Back in Time [FIFA 16 to FIFA 11]

Should I create "Back In Time Ultimate [2006-2016]" thread?

  • Total voters


Youth Team
Relive the 2010/2011 season or rewrite history with your favorite teams!

After long hours of work and research I can gladly say this patch is in alpha. This is my first patch, I hope you enjoy. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!


v1.0 (10/21/2023): https://www.mediafire.com/file/wtrtn1v8y7renwx/FIFA16%5B2011-patch%5D.rar/file


Paste files in FIFA 16/Game folder and regenerate using CM16


Note: Brazilian and Czech Republic Leagues have been added to the game as they were missing from FIFA 16. This patch includes EA faces and uses Revolution Mod for special assignments.

  • FIFA 11 Converted DB (tournaments, leagues, national teams, squads, players, attributes, stadiums, etc)
  • FIFA 11 Shoes, Kits, Minikits and Player pictures created from FUTHEAD
  • FIFA 14, 15 EA Faces not included in FIFA 16
  • Playable Career Mode
  • Over +20 retired players available as free agents (Cannavaro, Juninho, Nedved, Zidane, Nakamura, etc)

PENDING FEATURES (in consideration):
  • Add FIFA 11 Intro video (located at data/movies/bootflowintro_MARKER.vp8) NEED HELP
    Add FIFA 11 Soundtracks NEED HELP
  • Replace FIFA 16 Menu Fonts with FIFA 11 Menu Fonts (looks better IMO) NEED HELP
  • Fix FIFA 11 shiny hair NEED HELP
  • Disable FIFA 16 video adboards or replace with the 2010/2011 season accurate adboards (to be made from scratch) NEED HELP
  • Add ESPN Scoreboard, Wipe and Intro for all matches (if we can convert FIFA 14 ESPN broadcast package it would be awesome) NEED HELP
  • Add Real UEFA Tournament Names, and Graphics

Thanks to the soccergaming community who contributed to make this little project possible, especially @JochemLFC2, @tokke001, @scouser09 ,@V.K, @skeard, @AmirPjanic and all those other who helped me directly or indirectly.
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Starting XI
This looks sooooo great, I would really like to help. Don’t you need to share the DLC files for career mode ?


Youth Team
@Robson Mambrini hey thanks for reaching out man! The issue in career mode is that after selecting the team, the game crashes on career loading screen probably because of a missing schedule or schedule conflict. I added 2 leagues that didn't exist previously in FIFA 16 (Liga do Brasil and Copa do Brasil and Česká Liga), I did solely through Creation Master 16, I have not edited any DLC settings and my suspicion is that must be the root of the issue. I would greatly appreciate if you can take a look.

I am now trying to modify the DLC files also to reset the starting year to 2011, however it seems the files are compressed and I am unaware of how to decompress those types of files.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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Starting XI
I am now able to edit the files with CG File Explorer 16 so progress is being made. Career Mode now works except for teams that participate in Champions League, there is a problem with the draw rules I believe.

Wow thats a great and huge progress man, hopefully we can fix that !


Youth Team
Unfortunately I have reached a dead end trying to solve the bug in career mode, so far I have only been able to start career mode in Brazil and played a couple games, even in Libertadores but career mode continues to crash for European clubs and also MLS Clubs.

Hopefully someone can help, the patch is looking great and it would be wonderful to be able to play career mode.


Club Supporter
@Robson Mambrini hey thanks for reaching out man! The issue in career mode is that after selecting the team, the game crashes on career loading screen probably because of a missing schedule or schedule conflict. I added 2 leagues that didn't exist previously in FIFA 16 (Liga do Brasil and Copa do Brasil and Česká Liga), I did solely through Creation Master 11, I have not edited any DLC settings and my suspicion is that must be the root of the issue. I would greatly appreciate if you can take a look.

I am now trying to modify the DLC files also to reset the starting year to 2011, however it seems the files are compressed and I am unaware of how to decompress those types of files.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

View attachment 84425
Why do you edit Files from fifa 16 with CM Master 11? there might be the problem. The MLS is hard coded into the game. any changes for the structure caused me a crash
