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What's your unforgettable experience?


Club Supporter
Mine was when I dribbled through everyone as if they weren't moving then took a shot went in perfectly. GOAL!!
Getting promoted last season in the playoffs. The board and directors came up to me after the game and congratulated me on my "great" performance.
Also scoring from a half volley outside the box into the top corner. We were already ahead and I'd already scored, but that was special.


Senior Squad
playing a full game in the afternoon in the summer (43 degrees Celsius ) and scoring the winner in the last 5 minutes with a drive from just outside the penalty box...i play Leftback and that strike felt so good :D

I gave my everything in that shot and almost cudnt play after that lol...we won 2-1

Then there is the Rain match....a mud fest actually, so much water but we were all relieved from the heat so we decided to continue playing and i had one of my best games....didnt give the main winger much room to operate and we earned a 0-0 draw, that game boosted my confidence bout my defensive abilities and the team mates suggested i should try playing as an attacker (H)

Honest Man

Youth Team
I was playing for my youth club against Wigtown back in June, we won the game 5-1, but at 0-0 we had a corner and all I had to do was header it upwards and forwards to score but I headered it too firmly upwards and sent the ball into the air :(.

I'm yet to live that miss down.


Big Daddy
I was able to play in a special match called "Shot for a day"

Held by Aldershot Town (Blue Square Premier league) in 2003, the event basically allowed the opportunity to become an Aldershot player for the day. It was amazing, we started with a full training session in the morning and then played a game at the Recreation Ground in front of 300 or so people. Amongst the players were a couple of Aldershot's best past players (Yeah not exactly Maradonna and Pele I know) but it was a big deal to me.

I set up our (the reds - wearing the home kit) opening goal with a left wing sprint and a daisycutter of a cross right into the 6 yard box.

We got a video afterwards (professional, with commentary and everything)

It was tainted a bit when I watched my glorious moment when the commentator called the wrong name though :fool: That was MY assist damn it!

Well I never really had a football career of any sustained length so that was it really. Great memories though.


Starting XI
Playing against Newcastle United's David Edgar! That was exciting.

Also, a cup match in which we lost... we equalized in the last couple of minutes to send it to extra time with 1-1, then went down twice and equalized twice in extra time, before they put in a 3rd in the last couple of seconds to win 4-3.


Youth Team
i think i've posted something in the previous similar thread cos i feel a deja-vu, but yeah i was just thinking earlier today about a perfect pass which lead to a simple 1v1 tap in last summer.

i got the ball on the left flank half way of the pitch, ran forward, cut a bit inside while seeing our striker making a run in to the box, stopped and the hit the pass. there was 4-5 + a couple of our own team player in between me and our striker, i was about 25 yards away from goal. the pass was perfect, it went throught the gap between 4 opponent straight to our striker, who tapped it in. i remember after passing it, i just stood there and watched in in proud awe how it went through all those players and we scored. probably the best feeling on a pitch i had last year. it was my debut to my new team aswell. the coach wasnt too pleased when i stopped my run, cos he would have wanted me to run to touchline and cross, but he went awfully quiet when he saw the pass and goal. heh.


Club Supporter

Guys i am big fan of arsenal. i am a playing foot for local club of my country but its my dream to play for arsenal. This hope is pumping up energy in my body to be more motivated and committed to achieve my goal.