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To the developers: Why the hell ain't there a good editor???



1st off, this is by FAR the best soccer-game I've ever played for the PC (don't know ISS for PSX, so don't flame me).
You've take the big obstacle, i.e. bringing on a very nice gameplay with good controls and AI but you fail where EA (these buggers) score: licensces (I don't give a damn) and EDITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't you create a LOT of new teams?
Why can't you EASILY (no HEXEDIT) edit NAMES and SKILLS?
Why can't you create a league for more than 16 teams (together with more custom teams you could re-create national leagues)?
Why no mouse???
Why no player transfer???

With so many stars moving this summer (Zizou, Veron, Rivaldo, Vieri, Thuram to name the top 5) it will hurt me (really) that I can't do all the things above.

Again, you made the hard part, I never was much of a programmer, but I think making a game editable as described and implementig a mouse control wouldn't be too hard.

Thanx for reading.