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tips on improving my shooting power?


Senior Squad
add muscle to your quad's, hamstrings, calfs etc. obviously by this i mean strengthening your leg

also technique can be a factor, if you are looking the drive the ball with alot of pace, hit with your laces, follow through with your head down.

practice makes perfect.


Senior Squad
modena_10 said:
add muscle to your quad's, hamstrings, calfs etc. obviously by this i mean strengthening your leg

also technique can be a factor, if you are looking the drive the ball with alot of pace, hit with your laces, follow through with your head down.

practice makes perfect.

yes, what you said and also practice planting your pivot foot right next to the ball. When you practice, just take rolling balls shots. Don't take shots with the ball being still, unless you want to become a freekick specialist.


Starting XI
If I'm attempting to hit a hefty ball that doesnt leave the ground, where should I hit?And If im going to go high, where should I hit aswell?


Senior Squad
Klobb said:
If I'm attempting to hit a hefty ball that doesnt leave the ground, where should I hit?And If im going to go high, where should I hit aswell?

that depends on your body form and on your planting as well. If you want to drive it and it doesn't leave the ground, make sure your shoulders are right over the ball and your pivot foot is right next or slightly more infront of the ball, but very very slightly. when you want to do a high ball(crossing?) it's alrite to lean back a bit and have your pivot foot slightly back of the ball.


Starting XI
Thx for the help, I used to play alot, but I quit playing and played American Football for 2 years :nape:


Big Daddy
Effectively the more you lean back, the higher the trajectory (flight) of the ball. For real power though, try to strike through the ball (so your leg follows through. For good freekicks, aim for the bottom right or left of the ball - (the inside tip of your kicking foot should strike the ball first - unless you can kick Beckham style by moving across the ball (that's how he generates the spin)

Try using FIFA 2005's free kick system to learn how striking different areas of the ball affects flight.

Another thing my coach used to tell me all those years ago: Always go for placement over power. If you get the power correct, it will make the distance - however unless you focus on the accuracy first it wont be as likely to find the target!

Hope it helps.



Senior Squad
If u want to strike the ball hard, make sure to kick the center of the ball. When u kick the center of the ball, the ball does not spin at all, then it will go straight forward very quickly and with the airflow the ball will even move slightly left and right which makes it difficult for the keeper to save the ball. (how to describe the ball/shot like this? move in all direction in the air...unpredictable track because the ball is moving very fast and without any spin)


Youth Team
Fill the ball with air so its really like a stone. Then kick it and you will learn good technique to strike the ball without hurting your feet and it gives you power aswell. You'll see the results after a while when you try a softer more normal ball.