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Time Display patch for WE8I PC


Reserve Team
Winning Eleven 8 International uses a North-American style of displaying match time: clock starts at 00:00 in both 1st half and 2nd half (as well as in both extra time periods)

For those of you who want to go back to European style (like PES4 uses), this small patch willl help. It allows you to change the display of match time so that clock starts at 45:00 in 2nd half (and at 15:00 in 2nd extra time period).


http://img228.exs.cx/img228/4431/we8timezip7fz.jpg (18K)

After downloading, just rename to "we8time.zip" and unzip anywhere on your hard drive.


Youth Team
Thanks a lot man, it's not the same when you don't have those last minute counter-attacks with the clock ticking in the 89th minute :)
Glad you brought it back!


Youth Team
Great work.
I've uploaded the file for you over here.

Great to see good people helping improve things like this (and manual cursor changing). Keep it up. :rockman:


Reserve Team
thanks, everyone.

looks like i wasn't the only one who was a bit annoyed with it. :)

Everton Pride,
what sort of bug do you see? The time-display patch is very unlikely to be the reason behind the exit bug... (the patch is really small and simple - only 60 bytes long) I'd guess that it is something else that causes it.


Reserve Team
hei juce, do you think's that if I have your modify with online game and the other player not, could we have some lags or slow gameplay?

the first time I used your patch during the online as Host, me and the client had slow motion in many times...Could be possible depending from the patch?!?


Reserve Team
Originally posted by Energia
hei juce, do you think's that if I have your modify with online game and the other player not, could we have some lags or slow gameplay?

the first time I used your patch during the online as Host, me and the client had slow motion in many times...Could be possible depending from the patch?!?

possible, i guess... Although it's hard to believe this can cause the slow down. Can you try to gather some statistics? One match is not enough to make any conclusion, but if there is some statistical data, then we can see if the patch is really the cause.

For example, try playing 4 matches with the patch, and 4 without the patch, and see if the slow motion only appears in ones with the patch. If so, then you can ask your client to install the patch as well, and see if slow motion is still there.