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We apologize for keeping the yellow too long
Yellow Card
Time for a Windows 7 LAUNCH PARTY:

Activity suggestions for your Windows 7 party!

1 - Windows Malware Scrabble

This a Windows version of the popular board game, in which Windows malware names are used instead of dictionary words. Since there are thousands of Windows malware with cool names, your guests will have a lot of fun. Don't forget to check the most recently discovered virus database before the party. Since dozens of new Windows virus are discovered and named every day, you don't want to make fool of yourself by contesting your opponent by mistake.

2 - Microsoft Monopoly

The classic real estate game of buying, trading, and improving properties has dozens of popular variations. While playing, participants learn the value of investing, bargaining, and management. In the Windows 7 party version, the objective is to buy all computer shops that only sell notebooks and desktops with an over-priced pre-installed OS from Microsoft. There are no additional rules in this version of the game, so any anti-trust competition technique is allowed. This activity should start as soon as the first guest arrives, otherwise it might not be finished when your party is over.

3 - BSOD Cluedo

This mystery board game teaches classic problem solving, deduction, and reasoning skills as players strive to solve a gruesome desktop murder. When the game starts, your guests are presented with a Blue Screen Of Death, which gives some hints about the crime. But don't worry about spoiling the fun, because those hints are useless, so the guests will spend a lot of time trying to figure out who murder the desktop, how and where it happened. This activity will provide your guests with endless hours of enjoyment, since there are an infinite number of possible combinations that result in a Windows BSOD.

4 - Botnet Risk

In this activity, your guests will be challenged become part of a giant botnet. Since it's pretty easy to do that with a Windows computer, the winner will be the one who joins a botnet with at least a million computers in each continent.

Don't forget to give a free copy of your favorite Linux distribution to all your guests on the way out.....so they have something for when the viruses attack!



Elber2k3;2752372 said:
She actually did that for losing a bet. Stefan Effenberg had a tiger shaved into his hair after losing a bet on that show.

So Stefan Effenberg's career is well and truly over, then?

Krypton X

Senior Squad
That looks like an epic win if you ask me. (H)
