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I can't stop watching this damned video... "how can she slap me, Sir?" Then he gets his ass handed to him for defending himself. Poor chap. He only said two of the most innocent words ever...

I just came across the apparently infamous "Don't tase me, bro!" video... that sucked ass. You've got to love freedom of speech. Or was he punished for not exercising his right to remain silent?

newbie original

We apologize for keeping the yellow too long
Yellow Card
Keegan;2729597 said:
I can't stop watching this damned video... "how can she slap me, Sir?" Then he gets his ass handed to him for defending himself. Poor chap. He only said two of the most innocent words ever...

Haha, me too. Damn it's catchy!

You GO!:rofl::rofl:

BTW, I just noticed that the guy in the pink shirt, not in the scene at the beginning, comes in from out of nowhere and lands a really heavy punch to the ribs.


Senior Squad
newbie original;2730285 said:
Haha, me too. Damn it's catchy!

You GO!:rofl::rofl:

BTW, I just noticed that the guy in the pink shirt, not in the scene at the beginning, comes in from out of nowhere and lands a really heavy punch to the ribs.

heh, the guy in the pink shirt I think is trying hard to be 'manly' and I hate the fact the bitch stands there holding her cheek as if she is innocent. And yes I know the show is supposed to be intimidating and her job is to piss the contestants off but that slap crossed a line.

But some good hindi was being spoken :rofl:


Fan Favourite
newbie original;2731412 said:
Commentator (Ray Hudson) hates tennis players and STUPID Tom Cruise!!!(H)

Didn't he use to be the co-commentator of FIFA 97? Man, that must be one of the first computer games I ever played. I remember how he went: 'OH, what a save!!' when the keeper collected a loose ball. Hahahaha


Unreliable deceiver
Staff member
Did he f*ck the talking goat or did he get f*cked by it? because either way that title is appropriate.