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The FIFA 06 "corner kick, penalty, free kick, throw in" reduced-speed problem.


Club Supporter
Hi, I found at least 100 people on different forums dying to know how to fix the problem in FIFA 06 when the game just goes frame by frame when you have to perform a corner kick, a penalty, a throw in or a free kick and just instantly returns to normal playble speed after the above actions. The game runs perfect until you get a throw in or any of the above. Someone on a forum suggested it was a problem with FIFA 06 Demo interfering with the full version and gave some insructions for editing .ini files to get a decent speed. But since I too have the same problem, I tried everything from editing .ini files to downloading mini-images(I have the original cd,not stolen). Nothing changed and I decided that someone should start a topic about it and make this problem go for sure. By the way my drivers ARE updated and I meet the recommended settings of the game for the hardware. So, thanks in advance,



Club Supporter
I have exactly the same problem.
I have also searched in all the forums and nobody seems to have worked it out.
Also tried editing everything and tweaking Video settings, etc, etc.

It is intolerable that the demo ran very fine on my PC, making my decission onto buying this game, and then on the exact same PC the full game runs like crap !!

EA, do something, we cannot tolerate this kind of mistreatment !!



Club Supporter
Man you are right, EA does't give a flying f.u.c.k about it's users-consumers.
Last time in FIFA 2005 there was the flickering problem when the game required from you to install OLDER graphic card drivers for the game to play fine. Now the have done it again with this c.r.a.p. I am speechless :nape:
Don't they test their own games?
Hope a patch is coming soon, very soon. Still this will not make it up for average players like you and me who pay their hard earned money to buy the originals and pay the respect to the makers of a great game series and get bugs and glitches all the time.