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The Best Squad? EVER?


That Nice Guy
Originally posted by ImmUniTy
Gomez is a great signing but, I have other favourites ;)
Tsigalko ;P or Samba.

yeah yeah, bith those are class. i just prefer Gomez.

Samba is amazing though.


Sir Calumn

You would be amazed at the truth in both those statements. And notice the lack of smilies thus implying I am being serious.



That Nice Guy
everytime you think about something you argue with yourself, you come to a decision, one of the more intresting parts of psychology.


The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
How about Nikiforenko? He should be in the squad surely? And how about David Mendes da Silva? You have much to learn young Jedi. lol :crazyboy:

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
Originally posted by TROD
hmm dont know about David Mendez de Silva, screenie?


Don't have one I'm afraid. As mentioned, I'm now playing CM00/01. He was doing an amazing job as a defensive midfielder with a free role for me though. :)