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Slow Game

Hello great forum friends. I have a problem with FIFA 18 and I would like to ask for your help. At the time of the match, the game is extremely slow, almost with delay. I've already updated video card, DirectX and Visual C ++, but the problem does not change. This happens via Origin or the pirated game.

I recently formatted my PC, and before it worked normally, even in ultra graphics mode.


You need to figure out what you had before and attempt to bring it back to what it was.
We have no idea of the specifics of what you did other than "reformat my PC" so we can't help you.

Sami 1999

Reserve Team
Can't help with that little information.

See if running the game on directx 11 api solves the problem. Older nvidia cards are not good at dx12.

If you're playing on a laptop, make sure your dedicated GPU is being used to run the game instead of intel hd igpu.
Hello Friend. Thank you very much for the tips, but the problem persists. The drivers are up to date, even other games work perfectly.

When I use the arena mode of FIFA 18 (training), the game flows normally.

I'll leave attached the DxDiag I can suddenly help me.


  • MyDxDiag.txt
    37.5 KB · Views: 339
Last edited:

Sami 1999

Reserve Team

Try forcing triple buffer on, set powermanagement to max.

Try to keep fiddling with these settings and see if anything works.

If nothing works, use DDU to clean install GPU driver.

As a last resort, you may do a clean reinstall of windows.

Sami 1999

Reserve Team
Thank you very much for your valuable information, my friend. I will check these information. I made a video with the problem explained.


Yeah, the game's stuttering like hell. That's not supposed to happen with a GTX 960 while a 480 can run this game without slowdowns.

Install RTSS and monitor the CPU and GPU usage. If other games work just fine, then the problem must related to software/windows/etc.

Do you have FiFA 17? Does it run without slowdowns? Also, on Origin, go to game properties and disable Origin Overlay.

Disabling Origin overlay fixed stutters and frame pacing issues on FiFA 15 and gained few FPS on FiFA 17 and 18. So you may try that too.
Yeah, the game's stuttering like hell. That's not supposed to happen with a GTX 960 while a 480 can run this game without slowdowns.

Install RTSS and monitor the CPU and GPU usage. If other games work just fine, then the problem must related to software/windows/etc.

Do you have FiFA 17? Does it run without slowdowns? Also, on Origin, go to game properties and disable Origin Overlay.

Disabling Origin overlay fixed stutters and frame pacing issues on FiFA 15 and gained few FPS on FiFA 17 and 18. So you may try that too.

Thank you for your response, my friend. In fact the configuration is good. The problem started after formatting the system. Once FIFA 18 was morally running, even in ultra mode. And the problem is only with FIFA, either via Origin or via Crackeado. But I will follow your advice and again format with another version of Windows 7.


Starting XI
The problem started after formatting the system.
Then it could be you need to manually change some graphics card settings that were reset during the reformatting. Open your nvidia control panel and go to manage 3d settings, select the FIFA 18 exe, and manually set gpu function to run using the gtx 960. Also, do the same with the physx config setting, change it from auto to gtx 960.


Club Supporter
I have same problem 5-6 day...1-2 matches are normal,3 match is slow and i must restart the game.After restart game is ok 1-2 matches,3 match slow.
Then it could be you need to manually change some graphics card settings that were reset during the reformatting. Open your nvidia control panel and go to manage 3d settings, select the FIFA 18 exe, and manually set gpu function to run using the gtx 960. Also, do the same with the physx config setting, change it from auto to gtx 960.
The strange thing about it all is that it always worked normally without me having to configure anything. Any other game runs normally. Only FIFA 18 that keeps catching.


Starting XI
The strange thing about it all is that it always worked normally without me having to configure anything. Any other game runs normally. Only FIFA 18 that keeps catching.
It happens, when I first installed FIFA 14 on my laptop it wouldn't run properly. Never had an issue before with any games on that laptop, including FIFA 15. Sure enough, manually adjusting the graphic card settings for FIFA 14 fixed the issue.
Hello friends. I did all the procedures indicated here, updated all the drivers, set up the video card and the problem of continuous slowness.

I followed all the procedures indicated by EA. Inclsuive through the msinfo32 file I noticed this error:
[Windows Error Reports]

Windows Error Reporting Memory Sharing Fails 3446938456, Type 29 & # x000d; Event Name: ServiceHang & # x000d; Reply: Not Available

Windows Error Reporting Memory Sharing Failed, Type 0 & # x000d; Event Name: PCA2 & # x000d; Reply: Not available

Is the problem there? I sent the file attached!


  • msinfo32.txt
    350.5 KB · Views: 430


Try to install the first drivers available for support of FIFA 18.
Use DDU to remove your old drivers first before installing the drivers and use a clean install.
Eu fiz o downgrade dos drivers da placa de vídeo. Mas isso não mudou. Eu instalei o FIFA 17 e o problema do jogo estar em "câmera lenta" também acontece nele.

Eu tenho o FIFA 14 instalado no computador e funciona perfeitamente. O problema é mais no FIFA 17 e 18. Hoje fiz um teste com o PES 2018 e a partida está em câmera lenta também.


Starting XI
I have the same issue i can play 2 or 3 games it runs fine smooth and then it goes all stuttery slow and unplayable i have to restart fifa to be able to play again its since the last official update it happened for me.....