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SG's Babe 2010 - Group D


Red Card - Life
Life Ban
Voting will close in 2 days, you must have 100 posts in order to vote. The two babes with the highest tally will proceed to the next round. You must actually VOTE in the poll, posting your choice does nothing. Also, you may, and are encouraged, to post pics of any of the contestants in this group, either to encourage or discourage votes for any of the babes involved, but please refrain from posting any pics that aren't of them, there are other threads for that.

Adriana Lima

Alessandra Ambrosio

Aruna Shields

Catrinel Menghia



Make America Great Again
Lima as a sentimental choice for me. She's fallen off a cliff since getting married and knocked up, but no one else in the group is great enough for me to go against her.


Senior Squad
Lima has that 'filthy' look which tbh, isn't going to help her this time.

Aruna Shields, hmm....dunno but she comes off as 'nothing special' if I can say that.

Ambrosio reminds me of Cindy Crawford ( minus the mole ) in that second pic and I almost went to vote for her.

Then my eyes scrolled to pics of Catrinel and I was on the edge of voting for her.

Xifio's pics semented it (H)


Make America Great Again
Xfio, I must say, that bitch's body is pretty close to perfect (bigger tits and bigger ass would seal it, but then she'd probably be Jessica Rabbit), but her face is so... average. It's hot, but like... I'm big on "je nais sais quois" and that girl just doesn't have it. She has enough going for her to never get eliminated, but there's no special quality about her. Just my opinion. Obviously I've never ****ed a girl anywhere close to her hotness.