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SG's Babe 2009 [FINAL]


Make America Great Again
I think you only care this much because you nominated Bar. As far as pure hotness goes I'm sure you don't really care.


Reserve Team
Mandieta6;2707695 said:
You need to understand that just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm upset or angry. Stop telling me to relax, I'm not taking this seriously.

To both you and Shifty, we'll have to agree to disagree.

Good to know you don´t take this seriously!, i had the impression you were angry but i it seems i was wrong.
ShiftyPowers;2707699 said:
I think you only care this much because you nominated Bar. As far as pure hotness goes I'm sure you don't really care.

Hahaha i think so.


Fan Favourite
My computer for one reason or another won't load the pictures. :S

It's not like I needed them to make my decision, it just would've been more fun. (H) Bar it is, once again. Come on you jewess.


Red Card - Life
Life Ban
Honestly, this has gone on long enough hasn't it? I'd have to open up another poll and yeah...

So, round of applause to our co-champions, Bar Refaeli and Adriana Lima!