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Roots of the English National Team's woes


Senior Squad
As someone said, France failed to qualify for USA94 too, but while England were crying about "Koeman should have gone and the goal was offside etc" France's FA held a meeting and somehow came to the conclusion that it was their fault, and maybe we need to fix some things. And you know what?
That's exactly what they did, and won France98 and Euro 2000 on the spin.

Maybe there's a lesson there - all though the FA (appropriate that it stands for "F*ck All" - which curiously enough is exactly what England has won since 1966 ) will obviously fail to learn it.

spot on.(Y)


Red Card - 1-12-08 - Posting pornographic material
Life Ban
According to Eurosportsnews Mourinho has asked the FA to call him about the vacant England job.


Fan Favourite
It's a combination of two things, really.

We're outpricing English talent which adversely makes foreign imports much more attractive and economical to bring in.

Rio Ferdinand = £33m ==> £18m for his transfer to Leeds, also
Wayne Rooney = £30m
Darren Bent = £16m
Theo Walcott = £12m

Admittedly, the global bubble of 1999 - 2002 has popped but it still doesn't detract from the fact clubs demand far too much for home-grown talents.

Darren Bent and Michael Carrick went for £16m, for one thing. When clubs demand that kind of dough it can really put teams off buying British. Mainly because of the financial headaches that it brings.

There's plenty of English talent floating around but they're often not given the time and attention to develop before being dropped down the pecking order.

Academies and teaching more technical ability to kids? Couldn't hurt. Got Arsenal nicely set up to the way they've become. They may be foreign kids but the philosophy remains the same.


Reserve Team
Who's next....well, better coaching for the coaches that's what should be next.

But in reality, Capello is the man for the current crop of players. Truth be told he will whip these multimillionaires into shape. He did it for madrid, he has done it before madrid, he will do it again. With Capello, and his perfect age (nothing to loose age), he would be excellent. And his private life is anything but exciting, which will keep the media hounds off him.


Senior Squad
Speaking strictly about these qualifiers...I honestly think it was mainly McClaren's fault. I mean, look at the Croatia game. He starts with only Crouch up front. He isn't fast and when there's no other striker to disrupt the defense, it becomes much more difficult for him to do anything. And even with only him as striker, you'd imagine that McClaren would put in someone who can feed precise crosses (Beckham). **** like this is common sense. If you're gonna have SWP instead of Beckham, then you should probably also play a striker with lots of pace.

Also, why was Wayne Bridge playing? He got owned every single time.

As for Keepers, I would have chosen James over Carson but that may just be me.


Reserve Team
There is a poisonous attitude spreading throughout Europe of us vs them. The same fools who say "they are not integrating", are the same fools who say "they are marrying our women and tainting our culture" are the same fools who say "play only home youth only stop playing so many damn foreigners" are the same fools who are causing the rot on the continent. And sadly, these same fools seem to be growing in numbers daily.