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Dan the monkey

Man today I missed a penatly in a penalty-shootout in the cup:( I was the only one aswell and we lost, im so gutted, i had a feeling i was gunna miss when i stepped up, any of you taken one?
i took one last year in the final game of a tournament, the goalie grabbed my leg for some reason and the ref properly gave me a penalty, i converted it for my only goal of the year.


How big is YOUR penis?
I`m particularly good at penalties. I never missed any, yet . . . Everytime I take it, I goes straight to the down-left part of the goal. Never change my mind and never change my direction in penalties. It`s better to have it blocked when you`ve made a straight decision where you wanna it goes in rather than change your mind in a split second and screwed everything up.


Fan Favourite
I never missed penalties, I scored 1 during a match, and 5 times I scored in a shoot-out. This year I'm the regular penalty taker(H) Just shoot them low in a corner and you'll score... I also always shoot in the left down corner (right for the goalie).


Starting XI
I havent taken too many penalties in all the games I played, but the few I've taken I've never missed.

When I take a penalty I just look at the keeper and then look at one of the sides to confuse him. Then I just blast it to the opposite side... :p

Sir Calumn

My career record:

Penalties taken: 7
Penalties scored: 1


They dont let me take penalties anymore :(
ah my only penalty ever was a miss :(

I shoot it low at slow toward the left bottom corner and not only did it go wide but the keeper would have gotten it if it was going in

Chacarita Juniors

The artist formerly known as ronnifan9
i cant say i'm great at penalties....however I'VE NEVER TAKEN ONE!!!....during practice, i'm a bad@ss motherfVcker 'cause i always score by shooting to the right/left upper (V):D


Senior Squad
I was 15 and we were in the finals of a cup. I took one and it sailed over lol. I never took one until this season where i've been nailing them. Took me a whlie to get over it.
oh btw, im 18 now.


Starting XI
The most important rule of taking a penalty: Do NOT doubt yourself. Trust me. I learnt it the hard way. (H)


Starting XI
I have a talent of hitting the post in penalty shoot outs, i usually dont get a chance to shoot one in game, thank god :)

Dan the monkey

Yeah when I stepped up to take it I had no confidence what so ever, probally why i missed.


Starting XI
Oh yeah, I also learned you shouldn't blast a penalty. Decreases the chances of you hitting in the rebound cus if you hit it hard, the ball can fly anywhere.


Senior Squad
I always think it's better to blast them as it cuts the chance of the keeper getting to them.


Starting XI
Placing it well means the keeper will have no chance, that'd give you an advantage because if you place it well, I doubt the keeper can knock it far away. Just knock in the rebound. No, don't do an Angel either.


Fan Favourite
i've taken 2 penalties in my career

the first one....it had rained the day before and the field was all muddy and stuff, so i ran up but i hit a patch of mud in front of the ball and the ball rolled right to the keeper

the second one, low and hard to the bottom right (keepers left)....post and in(H)


Senior Squad
I never missed one, and I was the regular taken after I left my club.

My formula is: Aim to the head of the Keeper, shot as powerful as you can, and score, never fail one, Keepers always moves, and if he stays in the middle, he cannot see the ball cause of the power (H)

I Have no skills as an outfield player tough, I was/am a GK with good powerful shoots (:/)


Senior Squad
i always shoot to the right(keepers left)

only taken pk's in tournament when it goes to extra time

i scored one when i was 11, we won teh shootout 2-0, i scored the 2nd goal

scored another one as teh 6th shooter in the shootout in the pouring rain to send us to finals, did a nice running slide after

scored another in a 3rd place game as the 7th shooter, probably the nicest pk ive ever taken, drove it straight inside the right post, keeper went the right way but couldnt save it

in indoor ive scored 2 of 3 pks