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OFFICIAL FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v4 (FIFA 14 HBZ Mod 21/22 Season)

Yes. I did assign the tournament final venues for all the UEFA competitions according to real life matches for the current season. And so if you don't have the FIP stadium pack installed, the game is very much likely to crash when you get to the final.
OK. Can you share me this stadium or tell how to change the stadium for the final?
OK. Can you share me this stadium or tell how to change the stadium for the final?
Here is the updated tournament mode compdata compatible with FIP14 v5. I removed the final venues for all UEFA competitions and so you'll no longer have the crash when you get to the final.
Here is the updated tournament mode compdata compatible with FIP14 v5. I removed the final venues for all UEFA competitions and so you'll no longer have the crash when you get to the final.
Oh, thank you mate, have a nice day!
I think yes. As we had discussed before in this thread there is a known issue with CM14/15 and career mode, but also a workaround. Looks like this:

As Harry wrote in the release notes, when saving your DB in CM14/15 (you don't even have to have made any changes), it seems to make changes to the compdata (non-DB data related to career mode) that makes careers crash for some (like for me: whenever starting a career in the EPL or Ligue 1, then the game would crash to the Desktop in July).

Harry also writes how to solve this, but this was not entirely clear to me, so that I had not followed the instructions properly first. These are the steps that work:
  1. Make your changes in CM14/15 as needed.
  2. Open the Tournament Manager (installed with FIP, can be found in the Game folder).
  3. There's a button "Load default tournaments". Press this button.
  4. Then press the big button at bottom left "Install Career Mode Compdata".
  5. A popup appears informing you that new compdata has been installed.
  6. After that start a new career. It should be stable now.
With this my careers were stable again. It does not have any effect on a career already started, so you'll have to start a new one.

I have tried to make this rather verbose as this question seems to pop up every now and then, so that there's now something to link to if needed in the future.
Does this instruction need to be repeated every time after changing the data via CM14/15?