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Need someone to fix black screen error !! FIFA 07

Hello everyone, my computer is having problems with fifa 07, I have successfully installed all the data about fifa07 but cannot start them, every time I open fifa07.exe the screen freezes for a few seconds ( black screen) then the game window is turned off +(( I have tried everything as well as using daemon tool or installing all directx but still can't fix this error, I hope someone can help me solve the problem hey =(( I use win 10 64bit !!!


  • Annotation 2024-02-02 231801.png
    Annotation 2024-02-02 231801.png
    31.1 KB · Views: 85
I had a similar problem; I figured out that for me it was a driver error and it turned out to be my USB mouse driver for some reason.

What worked for me is to single-click on the FIFA 07 exe in order to highlight it, then unplug my mouse and use the keyboard and press [Enter] to open the game. When you see the game has opened then you can plug the mouse back in and you can play normally. I know it's annoying but it's the only way I can get it to work.

Let me know if this solves it for you!