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Mogolos' CMP and Patches Project


sam_red devil;3649502 said:
after importing all the teams my game crashes when im online to ea servers and origin...but when i go offline everything is normal...any help!!

always go offline when you play with modded files.

sam_red devil

Starting XI
regularcat;3649645 said:
always go offline when you play with modded files.

ok...but how to download latest squads and what is the use of purchasing original copy of fifa when ur not be able to avail all the online features with mods?


Youth Team
LUKEID;3649495 said:
Fatos Beqiraj
Almir Bekic
Oliver Zelenika

-At the club for the first half of the season
-on loan
-on loan
-at the club between february and march 2014
So move them yourself if you want only actual squad members

@sam_red devil mods are not supported bby ea sports, the game is made to be played with official/original database.
Make a backup of the official database and put it back when you want to play online.

How you think it could be possible you play with the added teams if your online opponent don't have them in his game?


Reserve Team
Guys you have moddingway mod with all this clubs and with current rosters (february 10.) so if u want to have all new transfers just install that mod

P.S.Great work Mogolos ;-)



Senior Squad
Mdjim;3649221 said:
For 1st season, find euroseededteams.csv at \Game\dlc\dlc_FootballCompEng\dlc\FootballCompEng\data and replace ids with teams you want to include in competitions.
For next seasons, inside compdata folder you have settings.txt.
Search (ctrl+F): info_special_team_id,393
copy/paste the whole line underneath and replace the id by id of added teams.
there are two places where you have to do that, the other one is a little further down the page and is for europa league

Dear Mdjim,

I have done everything you posted and I saved/replaced the previous existed file euroseededteams.csv. I also regenerated via both FHL-BH-Editor & C.M.'14 & saved all the changes.
Do I have to do anything else in order to have these specific teams from the 1st Season in Career Mode ?

Thank you in advance for your response.


Youth Team
You mean you did all I said by PM (ingame, when creating career, enter European 1st season screen and press X (square) twice and start to confirm) and it doesn't work yet?


Starting XI
can you help me please? I replaced Eredivisie with Greek League. All ok but in replays Eredivisie logo appears. How can I edit this to create a greek one, where can I find the prototype Eredivisie to edit?

Thanks in advance.