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modifications Compdata

Hi all !

I want to make modifications on the Compdata files (compobj, settings, etc) in order to create / modify a league.

I extracted the files via Mod Editor, made the edits to the .txt files, and imported again but no edits are taken into account in the game.

Do you have an idea ? Is there a particular handling?

Thank you all
Hi all !

I want to make modifications on the Compdata files (compobj, settings, etc) in order to create / modify a league.

I extracted the files via Mod Editor, made the edits to the .txt files, and imported again but no edits are taken into account in the game.

Do you have an idea ? Is there a particular handling?

Thank you all
Hey...its very difficult to answer you without any informations what you changed ;)
Guys I just started to create the Asian Cup and AFF Suzuki Cup national football teams by replace the real teams ingame.

After a dozen of times searching for how to move them into international I have find the key which is editing them with rdbm 22, but it wasn't long before I realized that I still have the biggest task and things to do is to make them the fixtures schedule.

Do u guys know how to let these teams play the world cup qualifiers and appear in the WC 2022 with the good result in qualifiers matchs? (as I can remember these things can be done with compdata but Idk much bout code:)) All so I want to know which code line should I find out and edit to create the Asian Cup with appearance of 32 Asia teams held every 2 years. TKS ALOT!!!