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Microsoft's Newest Operating system..Windows VISTA


Yellow Card - Postboosting
alot of people have said that PES plays up on VISTA, is this true, i wanna upgrade but im not 100 % sure and i have to have PES lol


Senior Squad
shokz;2279846 said:
I remember when I bought the GeForce 2 MX 100/200 back in 2001, ran Tribes 2 like a dream.

back then i had this:

man, that's big.

no hardware transform & lightning (N)

actually i still have it working. gotta check its lastest drivers... :P


(aye i'm bored.) :mrpimp:


Fan Favourite
Wahey! I can type in Firefox again!

I noticed the prehistoric comment about PES. To throw a spanner in the works, my Gforce 6200 can't get much joy out of it. Frame-rate peaks and troughs. I have to window it.

Just wake me up when a new batch of Omega drivers turns up. Although Half-Life: Episode One doesn't like them. Problem with Half-Life is, as soon as it gets a card capable of it, it'll tart everything up. Buggering up any expected frame improvement from a previous card. Swings and roundabouts.

And GTR2 looks a bit jerky. Luckily, it'll be coming out on the 360, eventually. Been ages since I played a lap of the A1 ring. Bloody FIA banning it from their F1 calenders.

2 fans? That's one hot/cool peice of kit.


Senior Squad
forgot to say that's the big old voodoo5 5500.

and yeah gtr series actual system requirements are very high.


Starting XI
So anyone using Vista have any good stories?

I am trying to decide whether to keep Vista Home Premium which is on the way as the free upgrade for my computer, or to "acquire" Vista Ultimate.

Any thoughts?

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
I've stopped using it. Sure, with 512 MB ram it wouldn't ever run like it's supposed to, though I didn't expect it be this slow. I can't play games on it (Pro Evo 6 stutters on the lowest settings available). Office 2003 is slow too, so I'll just keep using XP for now...

As for Ultimate or Home Premium, depends on what you'll use it for, really. Or how much money you're willing to spend. For the average user, I'd say that Home Premium is good enough.
Vista sounds like it's been a monumental failure so far, everywhere I read on the internet it's nothing but people ranting about it..


Starting XI
Kibe Kru;2295848 said:
I've stopped using it. Sure, with 512 MB ram it wouldn't ever run like it's supposed to, though I didn't expect it be this slow. I can't play games on it (Pro Evo 6 stutters on the lowest settings available). Office 2003 is slow too, so I'll just keep using XP for now...

As for Ultimate or Home Premium, depends on what you'll use it for, really. Or how much money you're willing to spend. For the average user, I'd say that Home Premium is good enough.
Well my machine has 4GB of RAM, 1GB video RAM, Core 2

So I think it's fast enough. I was looking at the comparison, and you're right, for most use, Home Premium and Ultimate are similar, except for some backup stuff for hardware failure and the like, which I would hopefully avoid.

::shinji::;2295951 said:
Vista sounds like it's been a monumental failure so far, everywhere I read on the internet it's nothing but people ranting about it..

Yeah, but I think it is also the fact that it is new...there will probably be about 1,000,000 updates before it gets to the point of working properly. Still, I mean, eventually I'm gonna have to switch, so might as well get started at some point.

Joe Star

Starting XI
I haven't lived with it yet but I've tried the interface and it felt quite good. My friend said its a pain installing stuff though because you need a vista patch for almost everything.....


Starting XI
My free upgrade arrived today and I'm still leery about installing it.

I have several games installed as well as a ton of files. I guess I'll have to back everything up and start over.:(

I almost don't want to do it, but at the same time, I am intrigued by the new software and want to have the latest :$

Anyway, I guess this weekend I'll actually try to get to it and give you a report on what it does.

Unless, of course, there are any strong words of advice against it!


Starting XI
if you install Vista,my advise is to keep xp on your pc for a while!
Use XP for gaming and other things that can be hard to get working properly in Vista.
i have Vista premium and it is very slow compared to XP.
tryed to play fifa07 on vista and it went laggy(runs fine in XP)
I will keep XP for a while and just have Vista for surfing and stuff,guess there will be updates coming with fixes as time goes on!!

Btw: my computer spec's:
Dell dm61
Intel pentium 4 cpu 3,20 GHz
Nvida Geforce 7300 256mb (Yes i am using the "vista Driver")
directx 10


Starting XI
b-ytter;2314688 said:
if you install Vista,my advise is to keep xp on your pc for a while!
Use XP for gaming and other things that can be hard to get working properly in Vista.
i have Vista premium and it is very slow compared to XP.
tryed to play fifa07 on vista and it went laggy(runs fine in XP)
I will keep XP for a while and just have Vista for surfing and stuff,guess there will be updates coming with fixes as time goes on!!

Btw: my computer spec's:
Dell dm61
Intel pentium 4 cpu 3,20 GHz
Nvida Geforce 7300 256mb (Yes i am using the "vista Driver")
directx 10

Thanks (Y)

Yeah my computer has:
Dell XPS 700
Core Duo
4 GB Ram
NVidia 7960 GPUs (1 GB video ram - 512 x2)
Physx Accelerator

I think speed won't be a problem, but I'm concerned about compatibility.

I've found a good wiki with software compatibility lists
(Seems to be down right now, but check it later)
CarlosDanger;2314761 said:
Thanks (Y)

Yeah my computer has:
Dell XPS 700
Core Duo
4 GB Ram
NVidia 7960 GPUs (1 GB video ram - 512 x2)
Physx Accelerator

I think speed won't be a problem, but I'm concerned about compatibility.

I've found a good wiki with software compatibility lists
(Seems to be down right now, but check it later)

speed will be a problem. just to give you a flavour, vista has a licence checking utility which continously eats ~%40 of your CPU while you`re playing your audio files. I`m with alex13 here, wait for some time. Even WindowsXP wasnt a proper operating system until SP2 launched. and if you insist on switching to Vista, keep your XP installation for sure.

good luck.


Starting XI
Theodorakis;2316030 said:
speed will be a problem. just to give you a flavour, vista has a licence checking utility which continously eats ~%40 of your CPU while you`re playing your audio files. I`m with alex13 here, wait for some time. Even WindowsXP wasnt a proper operating system until SP2 launched. and if you insist on switching to Vista, keep your XP installation for sure.

good luck.

What utility is that? I'd like to read up on it.

Yeah.. the problem is that they sent me an upgrade, and I am under the understanding that there is no going back.

I am not sure yet anyway.

newbie original

We apologize for keeping the yellow too long
Yellow Card
Ha!!! The latest Mac bashing PC (Hi, I'm a ...) segment has the "PC" saying that it has downgraded to XP....

From what I'm hearing, Vista's higher RAM support is a must for proper, as in smooth, functioning. Else, its a major league dissapointment.