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Microsoft's Newest Operating system..Windows VISTA


Youth Team

all you Vista-enthusiasts (if any :) ) should check out this link:

newbie original

We apologize for keeping the yellow too long
Yellow Card
So...well, the "Ready Boost" feature that I got so excited about is only so good, eh:


Well, if that's the case, you can change your disk cache in XP with a registry tweak and use system memory which is way faster than any USB stick...Ready Boost...dissapointing!

I guess that it appears there is no pressing reason to switch to Vista from XP right now, however with time when XP drivers for new devices will become an afterthought for manufacturers, a new crop of DX10 games and DX10 videocards will achieve a significant penetration of the market and new software will be added designed primarily to work with Vista we'll all have no choice but to upgrade.

It's like back in the days of 98 and 2000 and then XP, surely the new ones were resource hogs compared to 98 when they were released and some stuff didn't work with them, drivers were hard to find and gaming sucked. But with time we all ditched 98 just like we'll ditch XP for Vista sooner or later.

I remember there was a time when a lot of people were wondering how anyone could buy OS X 10.4 when all they were paying for nothing more than a service pack even though new features included spotlight, dashboard, automator, speed improvements, etc, etc. Vista seems to be suffering through the same perception now, except it is compounded by the fact that its a couple hundred dollars more than OS X 10.4. I think it will take time for developers to take advantage and write software that will integrate some of Vista's new features. Vista is a step in the right direction. It's just that its so new. There is so much Mac software now that is 10.4 only because it takes advantage of things like Core Image or Core Animation, and I trust the same will happen with Vista, Direct X 10, etc.

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Been using Vista for a while now, and while I don't think it's worth that much money, I have to say it's a decent OS. I thought it wouldn't even run Aero on my 512MB RAM machine, but it does so perfectly, no slowdowns or anything.

Some stuff are quite annoying though. To change time and date, it's a hassle (no more double click on clock...), to check internet connection status you have to go through a couple of places first... maybe it's a matter of getting used to it, but I'm not really sure...

Oh, add to that the fact that Opera can't, as of yet, be selected as default browser.


::shinji::;2231438 said:
I see MS left "blatant rip-off of Apple's Mac OSX" out of the list of features :rolleyes:

Exactly! this was the first thing I said when I saw the first screenies. The new interface is not even as good as OS X and add to that all the security issues and Vista becomes another piece of crap OS. Man I'm glad I got a Mac :)


Fan Favourite
Yes and 5.39% really shows how great they are.
As for microcrap, who knows, maybe they just want to copy Apples way of giving style to their products. After all thats all apple will ever have.
Why dont you all just simply try, n spice things up a bit by adding some "Open Sauce" (H)

newbie original

We apologize for keeping the yellow too long
Yellow Card
Security watchers lambast Vista

Malware blocking credentials questioned

By John Leyden
Published Monday 5th February 2007 07:37 GMT

Windows Vista has only just left the starting blocks but security watchers have wasted no time in challenging claims that it provides improved security defences.

Virus Bulletin, the independent security certification body, has revealed that Microsoft's own anti-virus product, Live OneCare, is among four anti-virus testing products that failed to reach the standard required for approval. McAfee's VirusScan anti-virus software also failed the tough VB100 certification process. Eleven of the 15 products submitted passed the tests.

More here:

"Unlike other certification schemes, Virus Bulletin tests all products free of charge and does not permit re-testing. Vendors have to get it right first time. The results of the VB100 certification of anti-virus products for Vista can be seen here (free registration required)."


The Red Devil
GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB launched on Monday and is on sale for £199.97 (inc VAT) over at Overclockers. For anyone looking for a DX10 card and is not willing to part with anything upwards of £200-360 on on a single graphics card, I think it's a great deal. Simply put, it's just a 8800 GTS with half the memory, but the benchmarks show that there is not really any much between that and the 640MB version. I'm planning on upgrading in a few months so I'm keeping my eye on this one.

You could say why not just shell out the extra £50-60 for the extra 320MB but the 640MB card would only be necessary if you were planning on playing the most CPU/GPU intensive games (i.e. Oblivion, which was poorly optimized) on the highest resolution possible.

Q2 is also going to be a great time to upgrade with Intel price cuts coming in April, meaning the new Core 2 Quad Q6600 dropping from £560-600 to £270-300, and the Core 2 Duo chips being slashed in half, happy days.



Fan Favourite
A gfx card you cant really put to use... I say If anyone wants to upgrade just wait till there are games that actually use Dx10. After all, its only 2 more weeks till the new ATis are available. 8800s dont even have working drivers for the new ms OS. Waste of money realy (both vista and 8800tbh..) Cant avoid vista unfortunately... gaming wise... for sure.


Starting XI
I know...I'm just kidding. I have heard of some issues though with running some games on Vista.

I've is seen that happen from time to time.

There are a few stray "ises" running around SG lately, barging their way into peoples' posts.


Fan Favourite
I'm not touching Vista until it's absolutely, 100% necessary.

And, in other news, Firefox doesn't like this board. That's why I haven't been around. I'm using IE for this board only. What a heedache.


Reserve Team
Shindig;2278944 said:
I'm not touching Vista until it's absolutely, 100% necessary.

And, in other news, Firefox doesn't like this board. That's why I haven't been around. I'm using IE for this board only. What a heedache.

are you sure? i'm using Firefox running in a Linux system, and i can see no problem with the forum... :confused:


Fan Favourite
Whenever I try to post, I get a message in the bottom bar saying "Applet v51 started" and the text box refuses to take in any text.

Maybe I'm missing a plugin?

Anyway, on to other things. I had a right headache trying to import a graphics card from America. They can't get their head around UK addresses and, in a genius move, they don't allow you to alter account details (www.geeks.com). So, after 3 days of processing my order, they concede and tell me my graphics card won't be dispatched.

Fair enough, I'll go to dabs for a similar but different card for a tenner cheaper. Eejits. Last time I try to take advantage of a $2 pound. Ten quid P+P. Boo!

What I'm getting

What I wanted

Should blow my wee GForce4 440MX (Which I got for nowt, so I can't complain) out of the water.


Fan Favourite
problem actualy is the opposite. You have some plugin causing the problem.
Anyway, as long as Firefox and the plugins allow scripts you wont have any trouble


The Red Devil
Shindig;2278988 said:
Should blow my wee GForce4 440MX (Which I got for nowt, so I can't complain) out of the water.
I remember when I bought the GeForce 2 MX 100/200 back in 2001, ran Tribes 2 like a dream.