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Lord of the Monitors - Flat Screen Monitors vs Big box Monitors


Team Captain
My box monitor (of 4 years) has screens turning purple and I usually knock on the back to get back the original colours. I'm thinking of buying a new monitor but I'm not sure if to buy the Flats or continue buying the boxed ones. I never owned Flats before and I'm not sure of their advantages or disadvantages. Was hoping you guys could share your experiences so that I could pick a new screen out.


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
cnet.com have some good reviews on flats.

Depends on your budget, here in the UK you can pick up top notch second hand 19" CRTs for around £20-30. Whereas a new decent 19" TFT you're looking at £200+ easily.

I currently have a Iiyama 19" CRT that i picked up second hand for £25 (freaking bargain!), but i'm eventually saving up for a Dell 19" TFT.

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
depends on the monitor you buy. You can get blurry bits in flats if the game is fast paced, like the camera changing directions abruptly when playing Pro Evolution Soccer.


SG Sheffield Authority
Dazmania said:
Whereas a new decent 19" TFT you're looking at £200+ easily.

Disagreed Daz - I got my 19" TFT from Overclockers for £120, and it's a cracking monitor. If you're willing to go for a no-name one which has the same panel as the named ones it's great. Mine has DVI and VGA inputs, 8ms response time, great contrast and great lumination. :)

Fernandez said:
I heard that flats aren't that good gaming, is it true?

Old ones aren't - the threshold response time tends to be about 16ms for non-blurry gaming. Most panels now are 4ms or 8ms so you're fine :)


SG Sheffield Authority
Well put it this way, mine is an 8ms screen and I suffer no ghosting or blurring whatsoever. And I play UT2004 :D


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
champdave said:
Disagreed Daz - I got my 19" TFT from Overclockers for £120, and it's a cracking monitor. If you're willing to go for a no-name one which has the same panel as the named ones it's great. Mine has DVI and VGA inputs, 8ms response time, great contrast and great lumination. :)

i'm very hesitant to consider no-name expensive electrical goods from previous experience, especially things so modern such as decent TFTs. I'm considering a Dell 19" for £200 at the moment which looks like good value.




SG Sheffield Authority
Well it's not quite noname as it's OcUK-branded, so you get the warranty with that. Plus, the TFT panel used is exactly the same panel as those other 8ms ones by Samsung/Sony/LG etc - just a different bezel and without the name.

£129 at OcUK now: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/19_Inch_LCD_Monitors.html (model MO-019-OK)

Fully recommended, but if you want to spend more for the Dell go for it. I don't think it buys you anything extra in the 19" market :)


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
champdave said:
Well it's not quite noname as it's OcUK-branded, so you get the warranty with that. Plus, the TFT panel used is exactly the same panel as those other 8ms ones by Samsung/Sony/LG etc - just a different bezel and without the name.

£129 at OcUK now: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/19_Inch_LCD_Monitors.html (model MO-019-OK)

Fully recommended, but if you want to spend more for the Dell go for it. I don't think it buys you anything extra in the 19" market :)

Doesn't look bad at all, theres a couple of things that are bettre on the Dell but i'll deffo consider that now.

oh and why is the "OcUK Gamer 198YP 19" MO-015-OK" more expensive than the "OcUK Value Hanns-G HC194D 19" MO-019-OK"?


Senior Squad
Flat screen. Besides CRT monitors wont be produced anymore in the future. Not to mention the desk space they take. with a flat screen you can have the screen further away and have alot of space infront if you want. As for the response rate, dont have to worry a 8ms is already sufficient if your not really into hardcore competition gaming in FPS games or anything.


Senior Squad
the problem concerning the response rate is: it's almost impossible to know the actual rate, since each company calculate it in a way to get the lowest number possible. i'd recommend to check some comparisons/reviews/benchmarks by websites such as tomhardware.net.

many panels with low response rates (especially the cheaper ones) are tn+film. most of them have not very good viewing angles and are not 24-bit truecolor (8 bits per channel). they have 6 bits per colour channel and use some algorithm (which may vary) to get 16.2 million colours (as opposed to 24-bit 16.7 million colours).

i would recommend checking some viewsonic models, their products are usually great at a reasonable price.


Banned [Multiple Accounts]
Life Ban
I would say the flat screen is the better option. Its got better resolution and you're bound to get a decent one for at least £50.


Fan Favourite
Flat screen all the way. Having had to lift the CFT monsters regularly at my last job, I can safely say, I'd much rather have the skinny buggers.


The Red Devil
I've had the same Philips 17'' CRT for about eight years but will probably bite the bullet and buy a TFT monitor to compliment the new rig I'm going to build in a few months time. OcUK always have plenty of good deals going, just always make sure (check out their forum or do a search for reviews) when purchasing a new monitor that it doesn't have 'ghosting' issues when gaming.