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Konami got the message....


Senior Squad
Interista13;2441685 said:
It seems KONAMI got the message about PES2008:


Please read the article they give!

It seems that PES2009 might be much better (let's hope!)

So...what are your opinions on this? :D

Well, lets hope so! and the problem isn't just on the PS3, it's on 360 as well. It's just a very dated game. What he needs to do is develop for the next gen consoles, no more PS2 ports! He does need to start from scratch. Perhaps build a brand new development team with lots of talent, a good eye for design, hunger and fresh ideas. I wouldn't hold my breath though since PES 2008 took them 2 years to build!!!! 2 years:| and it was promised to be next gen material and great:|.....


Senior Squad
Don't hold your breath........

For me Seabass is starting to turn into the biggest bullsh*tter since Danny Isaac of EA FIFA fame. Honestly.


Starting XI
OrgulloVikingo;2442107 said:
Well, lets hope so! and the problem isn't just on the PS3, it's on 360 as well. It's just a very dated game. What he needs to do is develop for the next gen consoles, no more PS2 ports! He does need to start from scratch. Perhaps build a brand new development team with lots of talent, a good eye for design, hunger and fresh ideas. I wouldn't hold my breath though since PES 2008 took them 2 years to build!!!! 2 years:| and it was promised to be next gen material and great:|.....

Well according to that article, Seabass sounds like what he wants to do is what you say...he seems pretty angry at how PES2008 turned out and he seems like he wants to scrap everything and start from the bottom again. I think he wants a total overhaul…maybe I’m stupid but I believe him a little…

What worries me is that the article hinted that the fact that PES2009 might also be a scrap game but PES2010 will be amazing…:(…I fear that might be too late to make an ‘amazing’ game…they have to start now with PES2009…

P.S. Really? It really took them 2 years to make PES2008?? :| wow….


Senior Squad
Interista13;2442167 said:
Well according to that article, Seabass sounds like what he wants to do is what you say...he seems pretty angry at how PES2008 turned out and he seems like he wants to scrap everything and start from the bottom again. I think he wants a total overhaul…maybe I’m stupid but I believe him a little…

What worries me is that the article hinted that the fact that PES2009 might also be a scrap game but PES2010 will be amazing…:(…I fear that might be too late to make an ‘amazing’ game…they have to start now with PES2009…

P.S. Really? It really took them 2 years to make PES2008?? :| wow….

Yes, 2 years according to Mr. seabass. I have a feeling that if Konami come out w/ a great PES game it will be PES 2010. If it took the 2 years to make PES 2008 then it'll take at least (and I'm being generous) 2 years to build a new game. :gavin: I think they should scrap next years game and wait till PES 2010 and make it the greatest ever footy game. Sometimes you need to take a step backwards to go forward. And I really believe that he needs to bring in new talent..people with ideas, bring in some fresh air. The series is due for an overhaul.


Starting XI
I agree with you mate...I really believe Konami has to pretty much completely overhaul the series and start from scratch again...

Btw, did you hear, retail stores in Europe cut the PES2008 price by 50%!!! Geez...that is very bad...

Btw, check your PM, I must ask you something...


Youth Team
It took them two years to produce pesh.i.t 2008 :O

I would be to ashamed to admit that, that say's it all if it took them two year's to make this dross and just proved how stale they have became.

Mr Seabass said:
In fact,we thought about delaying it but different factors meant we had to release it.

As a developer, we've worked the same way since the days of the SNES. We're simply not set up for multi-platform development

That has rendered me speechless ...and it doesn't look like they are going to improve the online lag with this version.

OrgulloVikingo;2442516 said:
I think they should scrap next years game and wait till PES 2010 and make it the greatest ever footy game. Sometimes you need to take a step backwards to go forward. And I really believe that he needs to bring in new talent..people with ideas, bring in some fresh air. The series is due for an overhaul.

That would be agood idea, it would take pressure of them as they won't have just 10 or 11 months to rush out a version, instead they would have the year to totally revamp their thought's and idea's and let them try different variations.Also, they should forget about wasting resources on producing a playstation 2 version, they need to concentrate on the next-gen hardware only and in two year's time who will be buying games for the ps2 anyway ????

I doubt this will happen though.


Youth Team
"i think it's a bit late now.... by then we will all be Fifa fans......for sure"

Well, I became a Fifa fan this year. No need to wait until 2010. EA has stepped up big time and has slowlly implemented new stuff into their games. Konami has stood still and is loosing ground fast. PES 08 was just not a good game at all. It's really arcadish. Even Fifa 08 on PC with updated kits makes for a more enjoyable experience. The gameplay is there, the manager mode is great and there are tons of licensed teams to choose from. And plenty of upgrades and kits and all kinds of stuff to keep any football fan busy for months.

And don't even get me started on how great the 360 version is. Rented PES 08 and I'm glad it was just a rental. So i bought 2 football games this year. 2 football games that is - 360 and PC versions. It's nice to play the PC version via direct IP with some of my friends who don't have a 360 and with all the updates, I actually find myself spending more time with the PC version.

Fifa has me back - hopefully for good!!!


Starting XI
I haven't played FIFA 08 next-gen...but I hopefully will get it this winter...

I still remain a PES fan though. No matter how good FIFA 08 may be, from all the videos that I've seen, the players still have somewhat of a robotic feel and motion to them...they're movements and the way the sort themselves out on th pitch during plays seems and feels very robotic for me...

PES on the other hand I find very fluid...they players develop attacks quite nicely...

However I admit PES2008 does have some MAJOR gameplay flwas wich sometimes really p!ss me off...I hope that PES2010 will be very good...I think PES2009 will be something just thrown together in 2 months...so not really worth buying...


Fan Favourite
PES does still seem to have that nice fluid feel to it and the AI really can surprise you with it's movement. But it's unfinished so I've went with FIFA for this year. It's completely alien to me but it does rely a lot on a good passing game, which suits me fine.

I'm not touching PES until they bring out a game that's finished.


Senior Squad
Interista13;2444021 said:
I haven't played FIFA 08 next-gen...but I hopefully will get it this winter...

I still remain a PES fan though. No matter how good FIFA 08 may be, from all the videos that I've seen, the players still have somewhat of a robotic feel and motion to them...they're movements and the way the sort themselves out on th pitch during plays seems and feels very robotic for me...

PES on the other hand I find very fluid...they players develop attacks quite nicely...

However I admit PES2008 does have some MAJOR gameplay flwas wich sometimes really p!ss me off...I hope that PES2010 will be very good...I think PES2009 will be something just thrown together in 2 months...so not really worth buying...

I see it opposite. I think PES players move robotic. Not as robotic as the ps2 version which looked as if they were mechanical marching soldiers sprinting but nonetheless not organic at all. I think it'll be 2 years minimun before another good PES comes out. It all depends on the development team. If it's the same guys with little ambition to move on with the times then it'll remain stagnant. A new team is needed.


Club Supporter
Just becaue they are disappointed about how it turned out, doesn't mean it's worse than fifa. It's just that they expected it to be much better. At least they recognize the problem.

EA does not, and the only way to fix Fifa problems is to not release any more versions. I think if you can't get anything right in 10+ years, it's time to give up.


Club Supporter
forzadelpiero;2447606 said:
Just becaue they are disappointed about how it turned out, doesn't mean it's worse than fifa. It's just that they expected it to be much better. At least they recognize the problem.

EA does not, and the only way to fix Fifa problems is to not release any more versions. I think if you can't get anything right in 10+ years, it's time to give up.

Stop talking CRAP mate you havent played fifa08..........

cos if you had you would know it's the best football game out there..(bar none)

PES is getting worse every year wich is a shame, cos 3 years ago thay could not be touched but now thay have fallen way way short and if you would wake up or grow up you would see this........

And i'm only talking about the Xbox 360 games.....(Next Gen)



Club Supporter
Stop talking CRAP mate you havent played fifa08..........

sure I have. Slow sluggish controls. After that no amount of licensing or graphics ( which aren't better than PES anyway ) make any difference.

When you press a button, your player is supposed to react INSTANTLY, not like some posters here have suggested, you have to get used to it, plan ahead. Since when does my or anybody's brain have to plan ahead before moving a foot. It happens instantly, so it should work the same in games.

It does in PES, it doesn't in Fifa, it feels like players have alzheimers or/and are 75 years old.. Any other complaints about either one are irrelevant.

End of game.


Senior Squad
forzadelpiero;2448052 said:
sure I have. Slow sluggish controls. After that no amount of licensing or graphics ( which aren't better than PES anyway ) make any difference.

When you press a button, your player is supposed to react INSTANTLY, not like some posters here have suggested, you have to get used to it, plan ahead. Since when does my or anybody's brain have to plan ahead before moving a foot. It happens instantly, so it should work the same in games.

It does in PES, it doesn't in Fifa, it feels like players have alzheimers or/and are 75 years old.. Any other complaints about either one are irrelevant.

End of game.

PES is far from great son. Online is shambles, presentation is horrid and there hasn't been an evolution in the game in yearssss. Gameplay is very arcady... The averaged reviews below tell the story. It's not just us complaining about it. PES 2008 is an offense to next gen hardware! http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/940560.asp