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Is this January the greatest month in UK movie history?


Sir Calumn

Just look at what's out in the cinemas this month!

Out Now:

Flags of our Fathers
Casino Royale

Jan 5th
A Praerie Home Companion

Jan 12th

The Persuit of Happyness
The Last King of Scotland
Smokin' Aces

Jan 19th

Black Book
Rocky Balboa

Jan 26th

The Fountain
Blood Diamond

I'm desperate to see every one of those movies! I dont know how I will manage, better start organising.


Fan Favourite
Apocalypto's just another snuff movie from Gibbo.

"It's a man who triumphs from impossible odds and gets tortured."
"You mean like your last film?"

Still, Last King of Scotland. IGN gave that the thumbs up for a few Oscar nominations.


Team Captain
haha, you guys are so late (H) I remember watching the South Park movie in Canada then goin to London 6 months later and watching it again since it had just recently come out in theatres over there (H)
honestly, i thought apocalypto was a really great (amazing), and i really dislike all this mel hate, i think you're just feeding into the media bullsh!t

Sir Calumn

Apocalypto looks awesome to me. I love movie gorefests, and theres something abour lush primitive south american scenery that really does it for me, hence why I loved The New World so much. Weirdly, I always used to hate Mel Gibson (Braveheart is my least favourite movie of all time) until this new controversial period, and now I am a fan. Loved the Passion, love the look of Apoc and love the Sugartits reparte.

Virgo;2252126 said:
Perfume is downright an awful film.
Really? I was really looking forward to it, looked great and has been getting good reviews. Plus Alan Rickman with a meaty role again at last. I will still go and see it, but I really hope you're wrong. You dont tend to be though :(

Hakeem;2252130 said:
which one's Black Book?
New Nazi occupation movie by Paul Verhoeven, looks really good.


oh yeah, the Paul Verhoeven movie financed and made in Holland. I remember reading some great comments about it (Y)

Sir Calumn

Aye, I'm no Verhoeven fan, but this looks to be his best yet.


Awesome... I wish I were in the UK. At the moment, in Australia, we don't really have any films out that I want to see, sept Blood Diamond

Sir Calumn

Unfortunately our cinemas are infested with crap like that at the moment too, I think I've already missed Flags of Our Fathers after just one week of release. I'm hoping to catch Perfume tomorrow then hopefully Apocalypto and Last King of Scotland over the weekend. I would be very disappointed to miss Praerie Home Companion, but not many places are showing it.


Starting XI
Watched Apocalypto last night and liked it a lot

Loved the production, it's so intense. As for the story... well, it's an Inca Rambo

I believe Jose Mourinho won't find it funny that Ronaldinho keeps escaping the bad guys