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Injury :(


Reserve Team
I don't know if I have a serious or minor injury right now :( I have been running every other day for over a month now and have made some vast improvments in my game. Only to now have an injury in my right calf. I went to my coach and he said it was cramping, then I asked my body building friend and he said I may have tore a muscle :(

It ******* hurts like a bitch after I run for about 30 minutes. I unno what to do, it feels really soar and it sucks so much because I was just getting ready to hire a personal soccer trainer and everything :(


Fan Favourite
Yup, the obvious thing to do is get your injury checked out by a professional - someeone that actually knows what they're talking about.


Club Supporter
SlowSilver said:
Yup, the obvious thing to do is get your injury checked out by a professional - someeone that actually knows what they're talking about.

I can only agree with that, get it checked out by a doctor to see whats actually wrong, then take it from there.


Reserve Team
It seems to be letting up now, still a little soar but hopefully it will be gone by the end of the week.

Pretty sure it was just some cramping.