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I m having trouble with the game!!! IT SAYS IT CAN NOT DETECT THE CD


Youth Team
I bought the game over 3 weeks ago, I have not only had a bugger of a time playing it, but I have also got to wait for the game to decide whether or not it is going to play. I load the disc into the cd-rom and nothing for at least 30 seconds.

To add to the confusion, I just bought a new PC, with 3 drives partitioned c: d: e: I have a cd rom drive g: and a burner f: I load the game and it tells me it can not detect the cd rom!

WHAT IS GOING ON!!!! I have never had so much trouble with a game in my entire life!!

Release the patch soon or this game is going to the cd scrap heap in the sky!!!! :o :o


Club Supporter
Yea, might as well forget about the patch. I dont see anything happening for a while.
Pretty poor.

As for the CD issue. Try switching the CD drive letters around. CD protection in games often only checks the 1st CD-ROM it detects which could actually be your burner.


I'm having the same problem with the game not detecting the CD or whatever.
I have a DVD and CDRW drive and its pissing me off - i only bought it today so I might take it back.

What do u mean by autodetect being enabled?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Club Supporter
Did either of you try switching the drive letters around?

Or even just see if the game works with the CD in your CDR?


Reserve Team
You have a cartload of drives in there... You probably need to edit the registry to change the CDROM install drive value...


Fan Favourite
What you need to do is delete yer cdrom drive and then put it back again, it's done pretty easy.
Right click on my computer---->properties---->click on the second tab from the left which is Device Control--->look for yer cdrom drive, select it and press delete-----> Restart your computer and the cdrom drive will automatically be the default drive :)


Fan Favourite
The problem you are having is the same problem that happens using the Warez version of the game.
There was no reason for downloading a fixed .exe because the Cd-Rom couldn't be detected.Just un-intall the cd-rom drive and restart your computer and the cd-rom drive will automaticly be the default drive and that will be scanned first.
(Read my other post to see how to un-install the cdrom drive)
That should fix the problem.
As for the .exe, did you back-up the original one.If not I can send it to you...email me @ [email protected]


Nope. First I re-installed the game and then I uninstalled my DVD drive (main CD drive) and restarted. It reinstalled the drivers for the DVD but the game still won't work:

'Please put original CD into CD-Drive'

:mad: :confused: :mad: :confused: :mad:


I downloaded a fixed *.exe from www.gamecopyworld.com and it seems to fixed the CD problem but now the game keeps crashing and i can't get out of a game.
If i press esc to go to the menu it crashes and sometimes it crashes while showing action replays - help!
This is really pissing me off now, the game can't be worth this much trouble i might just dump it if i can't get it to work soon.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Matt Parkins

The game checks for the Cd in the drive letter from which it was installed. If this subsequently changes you should either edit the registry entry directly or simply reinstall.


It was installed with the same setup - i've only had the game 4 days. I installed in the DVD Drive, yet it won't work in either drive - its stupid.
LOL, the people with cdroms problem didn't bother emailing me as I said, so I'm thinking, why should I bother to help... but anyway. Here it is(but you need the patch)...

1) Make a full installation.
2) Install the PATCH
3) Go to start menu-> run...
4) Type regedit and enter
5) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->software-> Infogrames sheffield Ltd, sheffield house->Uefa Challenge
6) Change installpath and installsource to '.' (without the ' ')

You don't have to use CDROM to play the game, but you need to use the patch. You can't blame the developers when everyone else doesn't have the cdrom detect problems.

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: iceboy ]


UR a genius ICEBoy, I'm now happily UEFA Challengin'.


:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: