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How to calculate player value and wage?

Hello Fifers,
I want to calculate players’ value and wage for career mode.
I know I should the parameters inside
playervalues.ini, playerwages.ini, cmsettings.ini, PlayerWageDomesticPrestigeMods.CSV and PlayerWageProfitabilityMods.CSV.
But I could not figure out the formula.
Is there anyone who knows how to calculate it precisely?
Thanks in advance!


Club Supporter
I worked with a friend to try to figure out the formula a few years back. We got pretty close, but it was never quite exact with what we found on SoFifa and in-game comparisons.

I know that's not a very helpful response, but just thought I'd let you know that someone else also found it difficult.

I was very happy to use your data to calculate the potentials of my Career Mode Players by using the Player Values, OVR, Age and Position in FIFA 19, but now unfortunatly the numbers have changed and it isn't correct anymore. Do you have the new numbers for FIFA 20 yet? Thanks in advance.


Club Supporter
I was very happy to use your data to calculate the potentials of my Career Mode Players by using the Player Values, OVR, Age and Position in FIFA 19, but now unfortunatly the numbers have changed and it isn't correct anymore. Do you have the new numbers for FIFA 20 yet? Thanks in advance.
All needed numbers are stored in playervalues.ini.
Code on FIFATracker should be updated until end of the week.
Hello, I hope you’re doing well. Do you think you can help me with how to change the player value of my players? For example, Sergio Ramos appears to be very expensive, which is not realistic for his age. Where should I go in the live editor? To make the change in my career mode?