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How does data work in FIFA 16?

Can someone explain how the dates work in FIFA 16? I am editing a clean FIFA and now I am working with dates, and I noticed that there are differences from FIFA to FIFA. For example, when using FIFA Infinity and replicating the dates in my patch, they don't work as they should... This happens with any other patch I try to copy. Is there a file that these patches have altered, causing the dates to be different from one patch to another? Is this related to the database? Can someone explain this to me?
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Let me explain a problem I'm having so you can understand better. I’m trying to replicate the Turkish league from FIFA Infinity v7.2 to my clean FIFA. So, the league went from 18 to 20 teams, and a few extra match dates were added. After copying everything and testing it in the game, the first season only shows 37 matchdays! The second season seems to show all 38, but the issue is with the first one. Does anyone know why this is happening? In the Infinity patch, it runs fine, but in mine, it’s missing one matchday... Is there some file somewhere that’s blocking it or something? This shouldn’t be happening since the calendar used is the same, right?