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Going out on a date? well, don't forget to take your piss bottle..

Who in the world would **** in someone else's tub even in their most desperate situation?

I doubt its true. Funny as hell anyhow. Gave me such a laugh. (Y)

Back Door Skip

Staff member
Yeah, that can't be true. Sounds like a scene from Dumb & Dumber or Along Came Polly. It didn't stop me from reading it and laughing my ass off, though. The illustrations added a nice touch to it.

Krypton X

Senior Squad
Xifio;2782717 said:
the illustrative pics (H)
The best bit is when he's plugging off both ends with his fingers.

That thread is going places, who knows, might even make in into a feature film one day. :D

*************** Image NSFW ****************



Unreliable deceiver
Staff member

Goddamn, those ******* dweebs should have a mock-umentary made from them. Their s*** is utter gold! (Y)

Sir Calumn

You guys are all missing THE funniest thing about that post,

"It would have all been alright if I'd remembered my piss bottle".

This guy NORMALLY carries a piss bottle. He had a little bottle which he carries around in his pocket in case he needs to piss, and presumably spends a good 30% of his time carrying around a bottle of warm piss. This is NORMAL for him, and NORMAL for his friends.

**** body builders, man.


Red Card - Life
Life Ban
This is the problem with body-builders. All that muscle but no flexibility. Someone who really knew how to work out would've been able to pee and poop at the same time.

I wonder if this is the male equivalent to 2 Girls 1 Cup, though. 1 Guy 1 Tub 0 Bottle?