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Free Kick Specialists


Fan Favourite
hey all, i was just wondering who else here is a fk taker

any tips or tricks you'd like to share to the rest of us, or just the way you take your fk's

i have 2 ways that usually work when the shots on target although when missed, their pretty horrible misses:crazyboy:

when i take a runup, it's usually about 4 steps then i hit the ball with the inside of my right foot and i curl it to the near top corner

an example would be totti's fk goal against inter

another way i take them is a 2 step runup.....try this one, the curve you can get on the ball is pretty neat, i was playing with some friends and from outside the 18 i took a fk like this, it curled around the wall and went in off the post...step with my right foot, then my left, then just kick the ball with my right

lol, i tried my best explaining them


Forza Suarez! (ps brotha can you spare a dime?)
im a free kick specialist. All i do is take 2 steps and have a crack at it with my right foot. to bad im injured right now...:(


Youth Team
I also take 2 steps before i kick it,but I like to curve it on the very top of the corner.It goes high but in then end it goes down like crazy with a nasty curve. :rockman:


I am a free kick taker, I just never take them because I'm a keeper. I can do either really, the Roberto Carlos free-kick. I can really hit a ball if I want too. or I can do a Beckham / Zidane style freekick. I usually go for the flashy one curlingand dipping it in. Its easy enough once you get used to it.

Just take a ball out and hit it at a mark on a wall trying to put as much dip and curl on it as possible.


Fan Favourite
Originally posted by Ebonix
Just take a ball out and hit it at a mark on a wall trying to put as much dip and curl on it as possible.

that's what i do now, lol

i went to my elementary school, it's around the corner from my house, i spray painted a net on the wall and i kick from the field....i took a really weird one the other day, i chipped the ball over the basketball net, and it dropped top corner.....pretty cool(H)


Senior Squad
I take free kicks... I'm always told to hit it with the laces but that just sends it high... so i hit it with the side of the foot and i get some fantastic bend and pace....


Youth Team
its winter and cold here now but i practice outside my house freekicks by shooting from past my driveway into my garage. thats just by myself(H)

i want to take free kicks but there were selfish guys on my team last season


Fan Favourite
yea when i played, during practices and scrimmages i would chip the keeper a lot and coach made me set piece taker:mrpimp:


Senior Squad
im a fan of just striking the ball sweetly ala roberto carlos or a francesco totti;)

i find when i try and curl it, i always put it over


Starting XI
Well if you're into blasting the balls then make sure your body is over the ball. If you want to curl and make the ball dip, bend your body sideways and a backwards a bit.. Hit the bottom left/right of the ball. It'll curl like mad. I usually have a 5 step run-up just to get the pace on the ball..


im left footed.. so

I run up to it, take a big last step, strike it with my laces right in the middle of the ball and once i make contact, i bring my toe up and it curves pretty good :)

hard to explain, easy to show really :(


Starting XI
i'm a regular free kick taker for my team

i like doing it like Mendieta, I bang it curling into the keeper's post, coz he allways moves towards the back of the wall and is caught unexpectadly (H)


Senior Squad
its all henry style for me.. hit like a bullet with alotta curve right in the corner... damn that feels good if you do it right:)


Senior Squad
Originally posted by Bilo90
its all henry style for me.. hit like a bullet with alotta curve right in the corner... damn that feels good if you do it right:)

same thing expet i go for accuracy......

here's how i take 'em ......i jus look at the ball and then visualise the target i wanna hit and then i kick...by this way my accuracy is better and the keeper dosen't know where i'm aiming...can be usd for penalty too......
for ppl. whose accuracy is bad an' wanna take penalties...take the shortest run-up u can and then kick with power...i just stay 2 feet behind the ball


Senior Squad
something that has helped me in free kicks. as i pull my kicking foto back i extend my toe to drag onto the surface so my foot is horizontal to the ground and that produces a much cleaner shot as I bend forward to keep it belowthe crossbar. has worked many times and i've scored some beauts with it



Fan Favourite
When I used to play football at school I had the hardest and best shot, I wasn't that fast or good in the air but passing and shooting was my speciality (and still is I guess, though I haven't played for ages).

I can take free kicks either with my right or left foot when it comes to bending. I was equally good with both right and left from free kicks a while back. I haven't practiced much the last while so I just use my right foot now.

It depended on the situation whether I'd go for bend, bend it with the outside of my foot or full power, either way suits me.

A good tip is that when taking a free kick, especially when bending the ball. Is to take a look at the area of the ball where you want to strike it, draw an imaginary line from that point to the part of the goal you want to aim for. Imagine the line (curve) the ball will follow.
Then take a few stepts back, have another look at your "line" while running up and when striking the ball make sure you look at the spot on the ball where you want to strike it.