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*FM Wishlist*

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
O.K, here goes....

CORRECTIONS ON CURRENT WEAK POINTS (The bitching and Whining Section)

1. Foreign Players.

The number of players unable to adapt to life in another country is way too high at present. This does not happen that often in real life. If I buy four new players at the start of the season half the time 3 of them are wanting out in a months time. Players not being able to 'cut it' from an ability standpoint when coming to say, the English Premiership from France is one thing, but half the squad wanting to leave 'cause they don't like the *insert countries name * lifestyle is unrealistic and irritating.

2. Player Unhappiness

The amount it takes for players to recover from any given type of unhappiness in proportion to the time it takes to become unhappy. Example. Stoica became unhappy in my Rennes set up because he thought that he 'deserved a more important role in the team'. This was after 7 games had passed since he joined. At season's end he had played around 35 games and was still moaning about it.

3. Media comments.

I think that they need to reflect what is actually going on to a greater extent. Having the Laval manager telling me that I am not going to win the league when I am 15 points clear with seven games remaining is a tad silly. More variation in the comments would be appreciated too.

4. The Board of Directors and Leaving a club.

Firstly I would like to see some reaction from the fans when you leave a club. It is a major thing in real life when it happens and the fans ALWAYS have an opinion. Nothing gets commented upon in FM though. The other thing is that should you get fired it is practically impossible to get a job anywhere other than at a tiny club. Again, this is not true to life. Football has a history of managers getting fired only to be back in work in a short space of time at another top flight club. Harry Rednapp being a recent example. This coupled with the board of directors goldfish like memory led to a ridiculous situation in one of my games....
After winning the Quadruple with Liverpool I was fired around 15 games into the next season as the team were doing 'poorly' in the league. This position was largely due to the fact that I had about four games in hand due to playing in so many competitions. The board overlooked this along with the fact that I had won every fookin' trophy that the club was entered into in the previous year and promptly fired me. The quadruple of course meant NOTHING and no other big club would hire me. Utter, utter bollocks!

5. Various small bugs.

For exmaple the Inter-Toto Cup. I have qualified for this a few times over several games and invariably wished that I hadn't. I buy many players on free transfers from expiring contracts etc. The problem with this is that the players arrive too late to be registered in the cup. By the time that the domestic season begins the majority of those signed in the aforementioned manner are already pissed off as they have been left out of the first several competitive games that the club has played in since their arrival. The fact that I don't have a time machine to go back a month and register them for the competition seems to allude them, and so a new domestic season starts amid problems. I daresay that this particular one has been ironed out, but just hope that it is not replaced by some other kind of silliness as has often been the case.



1. Graphics

Firstly I would like to see background and graphics that are linked to specific events. For example, currently when a players profile comes up there is a picture of the player, so why not maybe have a background option there also. So, if for example you brought up Steven Gerrard's profile page, you could have a Stevie G background pic. Obviously it would not be practical to have this for every player (250,000 backgrounds, I think not) but for a few of your fave players It would be nice.
The graphics could also be linked to specific events, teams etc. So during any Champions League game for example, some kind of Champions League background would be in place. I think that it could really add to the feel of the game and would be very simple for SI to incorporate into the game as the principle would not be too different from the player faces currently used I believe. Other graphics such as the match ball could also be changed, so that in CL and domestic league games the correct match ball would appear respectively.

2. Pre-Game Tactical Information.

Off the top of my head, and will probably make no sense, but how about having some pre-game tactical input from your assistant as to what your opponents are likely to try against you. For example, if you are playing Arsenal, and the AI often uses through balls through the middle for that particular team, then your assistant could inform you of that predisposition. Similarly, if opposition were likely to play with a high defensive line (no Rio Ferdinand Cocaine jokes please) then you could be alerted to this fact. This would mean that you could really plan your tactics based upon an opponents AI and it would really give each game a feeling of individuality as you looked to exploit the information that you had recieved. It would provide greater depth than just looking at the oppositions basic formation I feel.

I'm out of time for now, but I'll post some more later. And yes, that's a threat. :brow: :amika:


Fan Favourite
I would like to have a press conference thing after each match (which you can choose to skip). I mean, it would be great to gloat like hell after a title, then tell the fans you love'em, and whatever. Or a press conference for when you get fired, like : "Well i would like to thank the fans for their support, or lack of it, thanks the Chairman for giving me 1 million to reinforce my mediocre squad and my players, especially the striker, for his inability to hit a barn door." :crazyboy:


Team Captain
I would like flexible transfer options. For example, you can loan a player of the team that is gonna buy your player and something like that.

You can say curse the referee.


That Nice Guy
couldnt pass by this post without commenting on it, so here goes:

The Kop Kid said:
O.K, here goes....

CORRECTIONS ON CURRENT WEAK POINTS (The bitching and Whining Section)

1. Foreign Players.

The number of players unable to adapt to life in another country is way too high at present. This does not happen that often in real life. If I buy four new players at the start of the season half the time 3 of them are wanting out in a months time. Players not being able to 'cut it' from an ability standpoint when coming to say, the English Premiership from France is one thing, but half the squad wanting to leave 'cause they don't like the *insert countries name * lifestyle is unrealistic and irritating.

I agree that this is a problem but i guess it should be one thats easily ironed out; i know that i myself have had a problem with this and i dont make many signings! I dont think it will be a problem like i say with slight adjustments to overall "adaptability" and "ambition" ratings.

The Kop Kid said:
2. Player Unhappiness

The amount it takes for players to recover from any given type of unhappiness in proportion to the time it takes to become unhappy. Example. Stoica became unhappy in my Rennes set up because he thought that he 'deserved a more important role in the team'. This was after 7 games had passed since he joined. At season's end he had played around 35 games and was still moaning about it.

Yeah this has been a problem in FM for a few years now, i can recall quite a few threads where people have come in saying; "i signed this guy and hes unhappy already", i remember the FM2005 demo was bad with Cisse getting unhappy quickly. However ive never found it to be a major problem over a length of time, usually they change their minds as quick as they've made them up in the first place!

The Kop Kid said:
3. Media comments.

I think that they need to reflect what is actually going on to a greater extent. Having the Laval manager telling me that I am not going to win the league when I am 15 points clear with seven games remaining is a tad silly. More variation in the comments would be appreciated too.

Yeah the media engine still needs refinement, its way better than anything else in the market but it really does let the game down in certain areas, rarely do things said outside the matches effect things ON the pitch, quite a problem i must admit.

The Kop Kid said:
4. The Board of Directors and Leaving a club.

Firstly I would like to see some reaction from the fans when you leave a club. It is a major thing in real life when it happens and the fans ALWAYS have an opinion. Nothing gets commented upon in FM though. The other thing is that should you get fired it is practically impossible to get a job anywhere other than at a tiny club. Again, this is not true to life. Football has a history of managers getting fired only to be back in work in a short space of time at another top flight club. Harry Rednapp being a recent example. This coupled with the board of directors goldfish like memory led to a ridiculous situation in one of my games....
After winning the Quadruple with Liverpool I was fired around 15 games into the next season as the team were doing 'poorly' in the league. This position was largely due to the fact that I had about four games in hand due to playing in so many competitions. The board overlooked this along with the fact that I had won every fookin' trophy that the club was entered into in the previous year and promptly fired me. The quadruple of course meant NOTHING and no other big club would hire me. Utter, utter bollocks!

The Chairmen on FM are weird, you can win the CL and cup's but they seemingly only care about the league in my experience, i remember being 2nd with Inter and winning the Champions League before promtly getting the sack. However i dont agree with the not getting a job thing, ive resigned/been sacked numerous times and ive almost always found a good job elsewhere, but i stress that it usually isnt in the same country to start with.


NEW stuff that Kop Kid wants:

The Kop Kid said:
1. Graphics

Firstly I would like to see background and graphics that are linked to specific events. For example, currently when a players profile comes up there is a picture of the player, so why not maybe have a background option there also. So, if for example you brought up Steven Gerrard's profile page, you could have a Stevie G background pic. Obviously it would not be practical to have this for every player (250,000 backgrounds, I think not) but for a few of your fave players It would be nice.
The graphics could also be linked to specific events, teams etc. So during any Champions League game for example, some kind of Champions League background would be in place. I think that it could really add to the feel of the game and would be very simple for SI to incorporate into the game as the principle would not be too different from the player faces currently used I believe. Other graphics such as the match ball could also be changed, so that in CL and domestic league games the correct match ball would appear respectively.

Ooh thats the words of an ex-CM9798 player (H), i guess they'd have the problem that including backgrounds of certain players would be subjective in who they choose, however having backgrounds for CL finals and such is a good idea. Again, changing smaller graphics such as the match ball is a good idea, but it already happens i do believe.

The Kop Kid said:
2. Pre-Game Tactical Information.

Off the top of my head, and will probably make no sense, but how about having some pre-game tactical input from your assistant as to what your opponents are likely to try against you. For example, if you are playing Arsenal, and the AI often uses through balls through the middle for that particular team, then your assistant could inform you of that predisposition. Similarly, if opposition were likely to play with a high defensive line (no Rio Ferdinand Cocaine jokes please) then you could be alerted to this fact. This would mean that you could really plan your tactics based upon an opponents AI and it would really give each game a feeling of individuality as you looked to exploit the information that you had recieved. It would provide greater depth than just looking at the oppositions basic formation I feel.

Yeah we've all always said we'd like more input from the assistant as to how he thinks you should play, at the minute the general "team report" is way too vague to really mean anything.


My one thing id like to see in future version of Football Manager is the inclusion of "trivia". Before i play a match i like to think of how it would work if it was on TV, when im playing Liverpool versus Man Utd how would the pre-match build up occur? e.g. SI should build a database into FM that carries lots of useless info and then compares them with each other to see any changes or similarities, maybe occurrences.

E.g. on the fixtures screen it would have "trivia" and it might say; "Man Utd have won the last 3 fixtures with Liverpool with Wayne Rooney scoring every time they have won", i dont believe this a woefully hard thing to get into the game if one of the SI staff put their heart into it. Personally this would make the game so much more deep for me, as i like to pretend the match are as real as possible.



Senior Squad
One small thing that i would like is to be regularly updated on my favorite teams progress if im not managing them. Its just a small inclusion but i'm managing Barca atm and it'd be nice to get some reports on how Leeds progress match by match, their form and general news :)


Senior Squad
Also, i dunno if you can already do this and im just to stupid to figure it out, but i'd like to be able to make players in my 1st team squad who are backups to the first team available for reserve team selection without actually moving them to the reserve team roster.
A similar thing is available in TCM.
It just makes it easier to keep their fitness up and negates the risk i always run of forgetting about them and getting reports that they are pissed off and want to leave a few months later :)


Youth Team
Good ideas guys......

As a long time Cm Fan i think the game has came a long way and is still the best game ever and the most addictive....Some of the ideas were taking care of as heard in FM06 fortunately....

these were my main ideas for the series for a long time:

1- Manager Contracts: It'd be nice to be contracted to a team for a number of years, When a manager is deciding whether to sign a new 5 year deal or not it'd have an effect on your player's morale and the Board's confidence as well as the fans... (implemented in the Premier manager series and a lot of old Amiga managerial games)

2- Player interaction: I want to be able to express something to a player just when he's upset or when he's unhappy in a private way, especially when you get the "wants clarification on his role at the club" and you cant do anything about it... (I saw it in the ON THE BALL manegrial games long time ago on the Amiga and PC,great great game)

3- Media Involvement: Newspaper articles on how my team did (Was done brilliantly in the Football Manager game on the Amiga, the one with Baggio as its wallpaper when it starts) ,Fan interactions,Press Conferences and a better manager to manager interaction (when you want to choose a comment to make about a manager you have 10 options where 7 of them say the absolute same thing, very disappointing)

4- Staff: Their opinions don't add anything and are wrong %99 of the time when judging a player's ability (their stats are 20) or giving you a report about your taem....Also the scouts report on the opponents isn't detailed enough when compared to the tactical options i can use on them, i'd like to get more details on their tactics when im watching their game (just like cm97 for example where you can go into the tactics screen and see their instructions too)

5- The cheesiness and slowness in some parts of the game of the game... takes too long to make a tiny change to your tactics, for example you wanna tell a winger to stay back since there are 5 mins left, you have to wait till injury time to get to th tactics sreen? WTF?....and then you get the "processing data" message which stays for 6 seconds before going back to the game!! (In Ultimate soccer manager you can change everything on the fly, very nice)

6-Graphical improvements: More of the Nice little graphical touches that make the game classy, Little kits,trophies,Kit designing and a stadium for the 2d pitch (sensible soccer style)

i keep mentioning old games just to show that you don't have to be brilliant to come up with a decent footy management game...you just have to listen to what ppl want and like and try to get the right pieces together...

Legendry Game :ewan: